GPT3.5/4 in Product Management - Friend or Foe?

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Hello everyone, Shaun here, founder of Like many of you, I've spent considerable time in product management. And a sizable chunk of that time was spent on routine tasks - writing documents, conducting market research, etc. When I first used GPT-4, I noticed a significant spike in productivity. But this brought along a new conflict. Was I trading my authenticity for productivity? And if my boss discovered I was using AI, would it affect my perceived value? This internal conflict led to a revelation and ultimately the creation of, an AI-powered tool designed specifically for product managers. I'm curious to know your thoughts on this topic. Have you used GPT3.5/4 in your role? Have you ever faced a similar dilemma or any concerns regarding the increased adoption of AI in our field? Looking forward to hearing your insights! Best, Shaun
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