Good Promo Code Feedback for PH Community!!

Nicole Ogloza
0 replies
Hi Everyone! I have been thinking about GREAT promo codes that PH community members can benefit from or that will add the most value to them. Our idea is an interactive news and social media, which will allow for advertising, but only to community-like and small businesses (not giant companies and advertisers with massive budgets). I was thinking, for the first 5,000 people that sign up from PH, they will get FREE, lifetime access for positing ads on our community/interface. This is great for entrepreneurs and small businesses (even if they are not there yet) to use this promo-codes for future ads they would like to put on our app. What do you think about this? Would this be valuable to you? If not, what would benefit or add the most value to someone using a social media (with a bunch of users) that we can give back to the PH community? Open to anything!
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