Gaming at work: Do you agree?

Salar Davari
18 replies
As a manager, do you allow your team members to play computer games for a specific period of time ( 30-45 mins) after launch? Some believe it's refreshing while others disagree.


Daniil Okhlopkov
We just moved into the new office and our game activity is to assemble furniture and build actual Lego Technic cars (for decoration).
Daniel Burns
If it's going to help them increase their motivation and productivity, why not? We have a room specifically designed for team games, such as table football, pool, and darts, so they can wind up during or after a hard day at work.
Salar Davari
@dan_burns And how do you deal with after-match discussions when they're back to their desks but continue talking about the games?
Julia Zakharova
I'm for it) Such an action refreshes the developer's mind.
Boris Markarian
I like this idea, but I think it's better to play table tennis or darts or table football or even basketball rather than computer games. These games are physical and are perfect after lunch to refresh your mind and body.
Phil Meyer
A part of me says don’t worry about anything employees do save for their measured deliveries. If they are falling short then a manager needs to address that. The employee then needs to address why they are falling short and there could be a million reasons for it. Gaming being one of many.
Marvin Mändle
I can't believe that it is refreshing, because it's so much more information for the brain. 30 minutes time to go for a walk would be refreshing or maybe some rounds of table tennis.
Jeremy Kaur
Gaming at work, when managed appropriately, can significantly boost creativity and team cohesion. It's all about finding the right balance to ensure productivity isn't compromised.
Viola Schoell
I would recommend to go for a walk fresh air, light, sun shine helps way more to get become refreshed again. Computers games would make them more tired. But that is just my opinion. Everyone should decide for themselves.
Nolan Wang
Great idea! Eco everything. I work with a lot of gaming companies and gaming is just a part of work. Fun fact: developers sometimes can spend hours every day dissecting every little detail in a game, to a point where after launch they don't want to look games for weeks lol
Yammer Smiths
Hmm, it depends. Taking quick breaks for gaming can boost morale, but during work hours, it could be distracting.
Well, yeah why not, but doing this without taking any risks of being fired of course. I play online casinos mostly. The allure of online casinos lies not only in their diverse game selection but also in their accessibility. Players can enjoy their favorite games from the comfort of their own homes or on the go via mobile devices, eliminating the need for travel and allowing for flexible gaming sessions tailored to individual schedules.