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  • From tragedy to time optimization - the origin story of TimeAlign (launched today!)

    Jordan J. Dominguez
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    Hey all! My name is Jordan, and I'm the co-founder of TimeAlign, a data-driven time optimization app that helps you align your time with your goals. We just debuted on Product Hunt today after a LONG journey (we appreciate all the support so far! https://www.producthunt.com/posts/timealign). I wrote a bit in the maker comment about that long journey and our "why" for building TimeAlign but felt that the origin story, and more importantly the core philosophy, deserved a post. ๐Ÿ’ก Why did we build TimeAlign? As I wrote in the maker comment, the seed idea for TimeAlign came when my co-founder @Matty_reed learned of his mother's terminal cancer diagnosis and was told she only had a year left to live. He quit his job, dove deep into learning the practice and philosophy of time management, and reprioritized his life. He looked for a tool to understand his time better so he could make every minute matter, allowing him to compare where he spent his time with where he had intended to spend it. After failing to find anything that fit, he taught himself to code and built his own prototype (a Google Chrome extension! We still have images of it we'll have to share). When he brought the prototype to me, a long-time friend and fellow tech-enthused self-improvement nerd, I saw the potential. I had first-hand experience with the challenges of time management and the gaps in current solutions through my experience as an engineer-turned-entrepreneur dealing with ADHD. Through market research and early conversations, we discovered many others wanted to be more intentional with their time - and each had their own powerful reasons for why they wanted to understand and improve where their lives were spent. Since then, TimeAlign has evolved quite a bit, but our roots remain the same. Our strongest conviction is that time is our most precious resource, yet many struggle to invest it in what matters. Instead, they waste it on things that arenโ€™t aligned with their intentions, leading to inefficiency, stress, unfulfilled potential, and ultimately, regret. To us, TimeAlign represents much more than just a tool - it's a lifestyle. A commitment to stay focused, live intentionally, grow consistently, and flourish in a world that constantly vies for our time and attention. TimeAlign aims to turn the concept of time management on its head - it's no longer about filling your day with tasks, but about filling your tasks with purpose. It shouldn't have to take a tragic life event to remind us just how precious time is, but too often that's the case. Our goal is to create technology that helps people make the most of that time, aligning their lives with their priorities. We're incredibly excited to finally get this out to the public and hear what you all have to say. We're obsessed with feedback (as any good self-optimizer should be ๐Ÿ˜„), and while we've come a long way to bring V1.0 to you, we feel we're in the earliest stages of a long journey transforming how people manage their lives, crafting a more goal-aligned, personally-fulfilled world, and making the most of all of our time on this planet. Thanks for some of your time! Open to all questions, feedback, supportive emojis... hit us with it :) - JJD, MR, & the TA team
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