Freemium or Free?

Yvik Ye
14 replies
We're currently using a Freemium model in Xspiral. What about you? Which model do you think works better - Freemium or Free?


I'm using a free model for my beta users.
CY Zhou
Freemium offers a balance by giving users a taste of the product while incentivizing upgrades for more features. Free can attract a larger user base but may struggle with monetization.
Yvik Ye
Launching soon!
@lightfield Yes. Freemium does seem to offer a balanced approach, giving users a taste while encouraging upgrades for more features.
If you're a small team, on a budget and optionally, have the problem/solution validated, then you don;t have to sell for free.
David Murray
i prefer freemium
Parker Robert
i prefer freemium
Andreas Sohns
At Gleans ( we are using a free model for our beta users. Both models have their benefits but free helps us get feedback fast.
Yvik Ye
Launching soon!
@andreas_sohns It is a smart way to gather feedback quickly. We're considering how to balance that with monetization in the long run.
Isaac Henry Gallagher
We use a freemium model currently. The free tier gets users hooked and showcases the core value, while premium plans drive revenue. I think freemium generally works better than pure free if you can make the economics work. Free is tough to monetize unless you have huge scale or strong indirect monetization like ads.