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  • Free or paid templates?

    Dima Isakov
    23 replies
    As a creator of digital products, I've noticed how easy it's to promote free products. For example, presentation templates. All you have to do is write Free Presentation and the product is already downloaded. But how often do you purchase any paid digital products and do you solve your problems with them?


    Hossein Yazdi
    It depends, but generally, if the template is of high quality, I will purchase it if I need it.
    Arthur Leclercq
    I agree, free products do attract a lot of attention quickly. However, I often find that paid digital products provide more value in terms of quality and support. I regularly purchase paid templates for their premium features and detailed design, which often solve my needs more effectively than free versions.
    Dima Isakov
    @arthur_leclercq It's funny, but my free products are an exact copy of my paid products, just reduced several times. Thanks for your opinion, it's really valuable!
    LinkedCRM AI
    LinkedCRM AI
    This depends on the quality of the template. I don't deny that there are many free templates with good quality, but if you want to find the appropriate one quickly and reduce the possibility of encountering problems later, it is best to choose directly from the paid templates.
    Dima Isakov
    @zenda1122 Yeah, free templates are often of low quality. Typically, such templates are distributed through services with free goods where the owner make money from advertising.
    Pablo Roig
    We don't often buy templates, so we create and used them as a sales collateral resources!
    Dima Isakov
    @pabloroigburgui Great! Do you have a team that can create this?
    You can maybe try out free ones, but for business, they're mostly limited. Paid templates - They're better, more features etc, but after some extent, you feel the limitation. Limitation to your creativity.
    Dima Isakov
    @vertikanigam I got you. My customers often write to me and ask to modify the template to suit their needs. Didn't you think to write to your favorite creators about you needs?
    @dima_isakov Nope, we design from scratch using our design system. That’s faster. But yes, good to know that people get templates customised from their creators 👍
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    No templates! Or my own!
    Dima Isakov
    @mplebl Do you create your own templates? Or do you know how to do everything without templates? Thanks!
    Andreas Sohns
    Free templates are great for quick solutions but I do buy paid ones when they provide specific feature or higher quality that really make a difference in my projects.
    Sarah Mooney
    I can't lie, the paid ones are always so much better. Sometimes you can't resist the purchase.
    Dima Isakov
    @sophiewyne This is gorgeous! Every time you purchase a digital product, you motivate the creator to make more cool templates. What products do you can't resist the purchase?
    Layla Grace
    I think free is more beneficial and once you start getting some clients then you can go with paid.
    Gurkaran Singh
    I enjoy the thrill of browsing through both free and paid templates like a virtual treasure hunt! Who knew a well-crafted presentation could spark joy like finding a hidden gem in a digital marketplace?
    Dima Isakov
    @thestarkster Yes, I agree. It takes a lot of time to find a decent template on the market. But I’m glad that there are more and more of them every day!
    Contentify offers a range of templates for free and paid use on their platform, allowing users to easily create and publish content across various channels. Problem: Struggling to maintain a consistent brand presence across different platforms can be a challenge for marketers and content creators. How Contentify can help: Contentify's AI agents can generate visuals, captions, and blog posts tailored to your brand identity, ensuring a cohesive and professional online presence. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
    I enjoy using both free and paid digital products to solve my problems. The ability to customize and tailor paid products to my specific needs is often worth the investment. Problem: Creating engaging social media content that resonates with your audience and drives traffic to your website can be time-consuming and challenging. Contentify can help by automating the creation and publication of social media content, ensuring a consistent brand presence and optimizing the content for maximum engagement and reach. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI