FOUNDERS! what would you have done differently before launching your product?

Tal Buchshreiber
6 replies
If you could have changed one thing about your product launch, what would it be? Don’t be shy, sharing is caring..


Jane Alexander
I would have invested more time in user testing and gathering feedback before the launch to ensure the product was really addressing customer needs, and built a stronger pre-launch marketing strategy to create hype and anticipation, lessons learned for next time!
Tal Buchshreiber
@janealex_nyu thank you so much! This is very helpful
Divine Rivers
@janealex_nyu Any suggestions to create hype and anticipation? We launch the first half of our Marketplace for sign -ups on July 17th, and I am constantly looking at ways to generate interest!
Kunal Mehta
As a co-founder of ProApp, there are a few things I would have done differently before launching our edtech platform. Firstly, I would have conducted more extensive market research to gain a deeper understanding of our target audience's needs and preferences. Secondly, I would have focused on building a stronger network of partnerships and collaborations to enhance our product's reach and credibility. Lastly, I would have invested more time and resources in testing and iterating our product to ensure a smoother user experience from the start. These steps would have allowed us to better position ourselves and optimize our product before launch.
Tal Buchshreiber
@kunal_mehta_94 thank you very much! Very useful feedback