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  • 🚀 First Time on Product Hunt: Key Takeaways from Two Weeks

    Joha Salinas
    3 replies
    Hey Product Hunt Community! 🌟 I'm new here, but these two weeks have been packed with learning. Here’s the gist of what I've picked up on engaging effectively within this amazing community: - Community is Key: It's all about genuine interaction and mutual support here. - Polish Your Profile: Make it tell your and your product's story compellingly. - Relationships over Sales: Focus on building genuine connections rather than pitching your product straight away. - Content Matters: Shift to more engaging content like infographics to grab attention. - Stay Active: Engaging with others’ launches and responding thoughtfully to comments on your own can really boost your presence. Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johasalinas/


    Ashley from Shadow
    Great tips Joha!! I'm going to apply some of these right away :) Thank you
    Joha Salinas
    @ashley_from_shadow With pleasure, I'm still learning but if you have other advice I'll be happy to read it.