Financial planning for self-employed.

Sharon Har-Noy
1 reply
Hello everyone, We are a female-led fintech startup that is democratizing financial planning for self-employed. We want to hear your story. As a self-employed professional, what were some of the best benefits/advantages that you received from your previous 9-5 job(s)? Please tell us in the comments section below!


Silvain Stiles
I would say that as an employee that works for the government, you can have a free insurance contract. Which is the best advantage from my perspective. Because from what I know, if you are self-employed, you must pay for insurance. However, with a good financial plan, you can easily manage to pay for the insurance contract. For instance, three years ago, when I was working as a freelancer, I could pay for my health insurance thanks to the financial plan the guys from provided for me.