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  • Final week to submit your product to the Makers Festival: Green Earth edition πŸƒ

    Aaron O'Leary
    44 replies
    What are you building for it? Do you need support, feedback or even find a co-founder? Post about it here and reminder submissions close this week so make sure to get yours in for a chance to win some great prizes


    Chris Messina
    How're submissions coming along so far @aaronoleary?
    Nathan Challen
    @aaronoleary @chrismessina @nik_hazell thanks Nik! I am really excited about the possibility for massive change in attitudes this app can make. Can you imagine as you browse the web being able to see a badge that represents the owners individual commitment to the environment in personal terms, rather than mere sponsorship? When it's a company, that GreenHabit badge is an aggregate of the founders and employees environmental commitment (when the company invites employees by its referral code). Seeing others making green changes motivates everyone to do the same. The possibility to make immediate and lasting change is possible if we can get the word out. Thanks for your support.
    Nathan Challen
    @aaronoleary @chrismessina You can check out https://greenhabit.app 🌱. I've still got some debugging in FB messenger to go before I can publish and submit 😬... the hours are ticking down any early feedback on the site is more than welcome πŸ™
    Aaron O'Leary
    @chrismessina @emotf this site looks great, really loving the design!
    Daniel Akan
    @emotf This looks so good can I try it out?
    Nik Hazell
    @aaronoleary @chrismessina @emotf completely agree. It's so hard at the moment to work out what is "real" and what is "posturing". We're in the process of getting our company B Corp certification; they were more interested in how much paper we use (none, we're a tech company) than what our AWS bill is (it's huge, and it's all coal-powered!).
    Denis Devigne
    Building a company that is a positive force for people, and the planet. VidDay is harnessing the power of video to revolutionize the online gift and greeting card industry by proudly offering a collaborative and eco-friendly gifting solution that gives back to the world with every video. Proudly planted +100K trees with our newest initiative. I would love help with feedback on our product www.vidday.com, and we're always looking to connect and collaborate with like minded individuals who are passionate about building something that matters.
    Nik Hazell
    @denis_devigne1 you've already planted 100k trees? That's awesome! Who are you using to plant the trees?
    Nik Hazell
    @denis_devigne1 Oh awesome - yeah, I've heard of them, will look into them again!
    Nikolay Siabrenko
    No ideas for this Makers festival :(
    Cathleen Turner
    https://app.ginger.win/ - we are looking for feedback! Ginger is a game of building eco-friendly habits. Complete challenges to grow impact - invite others to grow impact. Collectively make a positive impact on the environment.
    Aaron O'Leary
    @cathleen_turner I love how simple it is to use! Always a good feature, also love how the challenges are not small habits but pretty impactful ones that are still approachable
    Kevin McDonald
    Excellent. Would love some feedback on Maker’s Mint document signing and blockchain sealing app. Eco-friendly way to anchor data onto multiple public blockchains. Especially need feedback on the Windows version (no signing on that platform just sealing). Staging site with download links β€”> http://cwwebsitestatic1.s3-websi...
    Md tohidul Islam
    Thanks i will try soon
    Kim Pieper
    At Consciously, we believe harnessing our purchasing power is the key to lasting change. Our browser plug in alerts you if a company is helping or hurting the causes you care about while you shop on Amazon. https://consciously.us/lp/consci... Currently we share data on animal testing status, black-owned, women-owned and small business to make conscious shopping quick and easy. We are adding an eco conscious label and we'd love feedback on what standard folks think a company needs to meet to be considered 'environmentally conscious'. Carbon Neutral? Committed to becoming carbon neutral in the future? What about their suppliers? It's a complex issue and feedback would be really helpful. Thanks!
    Aaron O'Leary
    @kim_pieper This is a. great concept, making conscious purchasing choices can be hard, excited to see this take off!
    sara fruman
    @kim_pieper Incredible idea. I'm looking forward to using this product!
    Danielle Johnson
    James and I are building a tool to nuke your inbox with a focus on the carbon footprint of email. We'll show how recycling your emails ♻️ - unsubscribing from and deleting everything - can massively help to reduce your carbon impact on the world πŸƒ. You can start over without changing your email address! ✨ The tool will show how many emails you have in total with interesting stats like how many unread, how many old subscriptions, and how many active subscriptions. Then we'll unsubscribe you from all subscriptions and archive or delete everything in your inbox! πŸš€
    Aaron O'Leary
    @dinkydani21 Love this idea Danielle! Will this be submitted to the festival?
    Danielle Johnson
    @aaronoleary Thank you! Yes if we get it finished in time πŸ˜…
    Johnpaul Patrick
    @dinkydani21 we love this idea, we also realised the need to curb the number of emails left in our inbox and spam as email providers would have to keep them in data storage for ever! we are also tackling this problem in a different way. But it is good to know that there are people out there trying to solve this problem we see as a ticking time bomb :)
    Sadia Afrin
    Good initiative...Thanks i will try soon.
    robiul haque
    i would like to mention Between busy lives and first-time maker fear, we know some of you may be feeling unsure about how your submission will shape out. We want to remind you that Makers Festival is an inclusive event and win or lose, you can usually expect to gain something by pushing yourself into new spaces of creativity, resourcefulness, and skill.
    Johnpaul Patrick
    Our Flagship product named after our startup promises to improve the way we deal with trivial/temporary media on the internet. We wrote a blog about the ever-increasing need for online storage and how data centres are growing exponentially (have a read https://solid.fish/main/blog/5/t...). Using our platform we hope to recycle digital data storage used thereby making the internet sustainable and GREEN! SolidFish's concept is simple. We transform your viewable media (Pdfs, Docs, Images, Text, and Weblinks) into a code (we call a SOLIDCODE) which opens up a lot of sharing possibilities: Share your Solidcodes on social media, via SMS, on voice calls or anonymously via our platform. You can even share the code on paper :). This makes your media versatile and portable across multiple devices with ease!! And when your media is done, we will automatically delete it and recycle the data storage used thereby curbing the ever-increasing demand for more data centres. But we need your feedback on how well our platform works i.e improvements, new features, things we have missed, issues etc. Our URL is https://solid.fish and our home page is https://solid.fish/home That's all folks - I hope we win something cool :)
    Aaron O'Leary
    @solidfish Nice! Have you submitted it to the makers festival?
    Johnpaul Patrick
    @aaronoleary Submission has closed :( we were too late!
    John Mirochnik
    My product: Company 360 for investment research. The applicability to Green Earth edition is that users can find/research environmentally sustainable companies for investing. I can probably add a screener for that category in search. The app is dedicated to Value Investing (finding undervalued stocks) method and uses formulas/valuation models from current academic research. Calculations are exposed and detailed info is provided on how the formulas work, where input comes from and terminology. Benefits new investors that use bare-bones trading platforms that don’t offer research functionalities. Currently on AppStore (iOS) and I’m planning to create Android version. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/co... Definitely looking for feedback.
    Nathan Challen
    Submitted! https://GreenHabit.app - 'Little 🌱 habits made to stick. Shared for massive 🌏 impact' πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ€ž
    Vijay G D
    Building a portal that supports FMC-LMC which stand for First Mile Connectivity and Last Mile Connectivity. It also implements a concept called MMITS (Multi-model information and ticketing). This shall have all modes of travel but interlinked when the user gives starting and endpoints and this need not any major station, airport or bus stop. The European Union objective is also the same. Once they did attempt this concept but could not go ahead. People use their own vehicles due to the lack of proper travel information and our organization want to bridge this gap to a maximum extent. It also helps in reducing the CO2 levels since people will start using public transport. Example screenshots are available at http://www.eurovoyages.eu (The table we see are live and not prototype). We also plan to have a tourist information site. All the things that we plan to do are available at https://www.bp2see.com. All our applications shall be responsive in design and hence there shall be no necessity of downloading it into the mobile phones. There is a plan afoot to integrate a smart travel planner application.
    Brittany Salas
    We would love your feedback and are looking for AR developers to build our founding team! Sādu (https://sadu.app/) is a sustainable finance and carbon management app for anyone who wants to reduce their environmental impact while leading a healthy lifestyle. By rewarding fitness activities with trees planted and offering a variety of sustainability projects to invest in, Sādu makes it possible for anyone to reduce their carbon emissions while improving personal well-being.