Figma and Spline have revolutionized the graphics editing software market. But what about videos?

Kacper Raubo
6 replies
I create Services, where I gather the most interesting and popular (mostly) web software into organized categories. The category of graphics editing apps is amazing — there are Figma, Spline, Vectary. But what about web apps for editing videos? Do you know any, or is it still unoccupied market?


Kevin T.
My problem with Figma and other online suites is in how quickly/slowly pages/projects sync. Also, I've worked at plenty of places that simply don't allow for web-based apps to be used, for security reasons.
Chris Chivetta
It's a tricky space - my friend is working on it though!
Kacper Raubo
@chris_chivetta, is the friend available on PH to tell us why exactly it is "tricky space"?