Fewer women are in leadership roles in tech. Why do you think this is?

Suchal Bojamma
6 replies


Zekiye Nur Kesici
BeforeSunset AI's founder, Elif, is a tech-girllllll, proud of her! @elifduran
Suchal Bojamma
@elifduran @zekiye_nur_kesici It is always very inspiring to see women in Tech
Suvin Tharika
True! I believe the tech industry often lacks a balanced work-life culture, making it tough for women to climb the ladder. Creating more flexible, supportive environments could make a big difference.
Mark Helbert
The underrepresentation of women in tech leadership roles is indeed a complex issue. Factors like gender bias, lack of mentorship, and https://honistaapkdownload.com/ systemic barriers contribute to this disparity. Addressing these challenges is crucial for fostering diversity and inclusion in the tech industry.
Gurkaran Singh
Maybe fewer women in tech leadership roles because the glass ceiling is tougher to crack than debugging a complex code on a Friday evening!