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  • Feedback requested: Overview Video

    Chris Horne
    5 replies
    Hey everyone, just recently have released a new free open source project that I've been working on. I created a short video to explain the software, and wanted to see if I clearly described this well enough for people to understand what the project is, and its purpose. If you have a few minutes, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh7cAWUgjcU and let me know. Thanks!


    Joseph Natoli
    Hey Chris, I am sad to see no one got back to you about this. First I want to say congrats on making the video, building the product, and pushing it out there! I am frustrated for you not getting the feedback you need, as someone who experiences the same. So, for feedback on the video, it has good information, your sound is very clear, and voice is on point. So well done on that front. With that in mind, some points of improvement, I would take the following approach: 1. Start a very short intro about you (name, creator, slight background related to the why you made this) then state the problem and mention the solution idea within the first few seconds of the video. 2. When going through the product, the screen grabs you choose are all entire screens, instead of cropping the video to focus on just the point you are referencing. As a watcher, I am not 100% what I am looking at some times. 2.A Additionally sometime the voice over is not 100% matching what is happening on screen. This should not happen. The audio and video always need to compliment one another. 3. Slow down! This seems to be a fairly complicated product and the UI isn't modern enough (imo) to easily communicate all of the parts and what they are for. This is fine for B2B operations (though I suggest getting a UX designer to help you out) but it means that you really need to walk through things step by step while highlighting it in the video through crops, zooms, or other editing tricks. I'll stop there as it is already a lot of feedback. I used to make a lot of Youtube Content (https://www.youtube.com/channel/...), but sadly don't have the time at the moment to sift through it to find quick examples. Instead I remember seeing a product on product hunt recently that did these intro videos: https://youtu.be/gYuYGZtk3Hg?t=38. This is an example of the slow zoom into something you are talking about. I think they could make it a bit better, but it should convey what I mean to make it a bit more clear on what is being discussed. Good luck and feel free to reach out for help
    Chris Horne
    @joseph_natoli Thanks for the feedback.. This was the first iteration, just to actually get something out there. I plan to redo it after feedback, so this was really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to check it out and provide notes!
    Joseph Natoli
    @vlchris You are welcome, I hope some of the things made sense. If you need to clarify or want to hop on a small call just to ideate or anything, I am willing to help out! 😄
    Chris Horne
    @joseph_natoli I appreciate that, and may take you up on it. As solely a backend developer, UI/UX is definitely not my strong suit. I'm going to take another stab at the video soon, and will update you here.. after that, if you have time, I'll definitely reach out for a call for sure.