Favorite way to relax

22 replies
With basketball on, it’s been fun for me to unwind, and I’m wondering what are your favorite ways to unwind from building?


Watching mobile
Business Marketing with Nika
I needed to run, so I ran. :D Visited my fam and worked on some things for my channel and side projects.
Hossein Yazdi
I usually Sleep watch some video highlights and sleep if I'm really tired.
Gurkaran Singh
"Hey there! Watching some basketball sounds like a slam dunk way to unwind! Personally, I enjoy diving into some data science or tinkering with embedded programming to relax. What about you? Share your favorite unwind rituals!"
André J
Launching soon!
Andrew Noah
Watching Netflix
Hjalte Niehorster
1 hour of bath a day, keeps the doctor away. No phones, no screens
Elle Gzirishvili
recently discovered that playing piano is very therapeutic for me, I'm definitely not even a beginner :) but just having fun with it helps with overstimulation.
Milli Sen
Listening to music
Julia Engelsmann
going to the gym or in the bathtub
Marvin Mändle
Walk through the nature or reading/listening to music in a hammock! During the week I do sports after work. Too much energy in my body after sitting all day in the office..
Benjamin Sloutsky
Go on a walk or exercise in some way