Facebook Ads or Google Ads?

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4 replies


Julie Campbell
First, it's important to consider your target audience and campaign goals. Facebook Ads offer precise targeting options, while Google Ads reach people actively searching for products/services. To make the most of your ad campaigns, don't forget to leverage tools like https://savemyleads.com for effective lead management and tracking. Find the right balance and maximize your results.
Ivan Ralic
Wherever your audience is. But whatever you do have both Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel on your landing pages so you can use more expensive one (usually Google Ads) to find the right people and then use the later to retarget them 😄 If you don't know who your ICP is but know what problem you are solving then Google is an obvious choice. Additionally if you are a B2B don't shy away from the LinkedIn, it is expensive but you can use it for market segmentation and then retarget visitors on cheaper platforms.
I agree with @ralic, it depends on the audience. If I'm not sure I usually try both for a small period of time and then pick the one with most conversions
Germ Eja
It's important to note that while likes and followers can provide these benefits, it's equally important to focus on creating quality content facebook fanpage likes, engaging with your audience, and building genuine connections.