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  • Experience of PH launch fails?

    Madi Aslan
    20 replies
    Please share your experience if you had a not-so-successful PH launch and the most valuable lesson you've learnt


    Hi @madina_aslanbekova we will launch our product today, we had made the best product possible, the best website design possible, and found the best hunter as possible, as well some marketing ADS are ready to run.
    @madina_aslanbekova @leandro_meteo First, Congratulations on the launch. Second, how was it so far? does launching through a hunter really made any difference?
    @madina_aslanbekova @imtiyaz922 We got 182 upvotes, 8th place and we got featured on the newsletter!!! For us was great experience and I think @david made the difference as hunter.
    @madina_aslanbekova @david @leandro_meteo that really nice. I would be interested to know what is the traffic boost and what is the conversion rate so far?
    Angi Bowman
    My top three lessons: - This may not be an opinion shared by others within this community, but online communities for PH On Facebook, Slack, Reddit and LinkedIn were flops for us. Even though we were actively engaged within these groups for months before our hunt, the return wasn't there. Most of the time "online communities" meant that everyone spammed within these pages on the day of their respective hunt, and that was it. - Our audience isn't on PH. While some of them may be, most of our userbase isn't hanging out here. While we still may have more hunts in the future as our grow, I don't expect it to be a conversion goldmine. Even had we encouraged our current users to sign up for PH months before our launch, I doubt that we would have seen much more traction. - As prepared as you can be, some things are out of your control. After you're analyzed the best day of the week to get that balance between traffic and competition, it's easy to hyper-analyze every single aspect of the hunt. Get your assets ready to go and then breathe. Give yourself some wiggle room to push off the hunt if needed, and don't feel bad if it's what's best for your schedule or your product.
    Madi Aslan
    @lucky__angi this is so useful, thanks for sharing! If it's not a secret what kind of product did you launch?
    Angi Bowman
    @madina_aslanbekova It's a SaaS that provides conversion optimization. E-commerce merchants, specifically Shopify, make up a majority of our userbase. Because they tend to be less techy, they don't spend as much time in places like PH.
    @lucky__angi Thanks for sharing these lessons here. This will definitely going to help us target PH communities based on our audience.
    Noa Segol
    @lucky__angi We plan to launch during the month and hearing also the "less positive side of things" helps sets expectations right. Thanks for sharing!
    Stefani Kovachevska
    @lucky__angi Thank you for sharing this. Which phase were you in your product development once you've went for the PH launch?
    Nikita Kukreja
    At my last company, we didn't prepare in advance and were rushing to get votes in the last 4-5 days. Don't get me wrong, we had good images and copy (but that is not enough for people to vote for you). People couldn't even find our product in order to vote for it! I've learnt it the hard way, that you need to put in a considerable amount of time and effort into your PH launch. A lot of research and a great hunter go a long way!
    Madi Aslan
    Thank you @kukreja_nikita ! I guess a lot relies on being active within the Community too!
    Thanks, @madina_aslanbekova for creating this topic. Actually, we should always retrospect why things do not work as we plan.
    Madi Aslan
    @imtiyaz922 hey! Exactly my thoughts. Do your best and always prepare for the worst💪🏼
    Mayank Bishwas
    Not a fail, however, right on the minute we pushed the launch button, we realised that there already exist an app with our name. Actually, someone (we didn't know) had already hunted us!! We were a little too late to check on it. Good thing is the PH team was quick to put the duplicate down within minutes of raising concern by us.
    David Mungai
    Just launched today, We're currently 10 hours into our launch and it's not going as well as imagined. By trying to salvage it, my co-founders and I have learnt that building hype for your product is key on PH, build a network within this community before launching.