Excited to share Novel with the ProductHunt community

Mohammed Kazi
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We're very proud to show you Novel, a unique and captiavting way to tell your professional story. We believe that everybody has a strong value proposition of their own that, if communcated powerfully, makes them utterly unique in the employment market. At the same time, we also believe that it's more difficult than ever to showcase your value in an increasingly robotic yet completely antiquated application landscape. Novel is about you — your story, your page, your goals, and your success. With our first launch, we tried to focus on the core aspects of our vision: presentation and direct outreach. Novel gives you the tools necessary to make your profile cleaner, impactful, targeted, and most importantly: tell a compelling story. Our vision is to create a new paradigm where anybody seeking employment is fully aware of their unique value and in charge of their narrative. Appreciate your time, look forward to seeing you on Novel!
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