Every user has a different ask! What are your next features and how did you decide to pick them?

Sameer Sanagala
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Since we are working on an app builder (NotionApps - https://www.producthunt.com/posts/notionapps), there are 23 feature requests every week and since we are only a team of 2, we have to make decisions carefully when selecting the features to spend our development time on. There is no magic potion, you know it too, simply talk to users and build what they want. Starting this discussion, to explore ways to prioritize and pick the next set of features and share our ways at notionapps.com. 👉 Does the feature make your top X use cases more viable? Our top 10 use cases - catalogs, directories, client portals, job portals, field apps, event apps, employee portals, courses, membership portals, and partner apps. Having a hunch on what the top use cases are helps us evaluate the importance of a feature across use cases. If a feature is important for all use cases, you might as well pick it. This is how we decided to work on supporting Notion's Relation properties. 👉 Why did your paid users subscribe to your tool? Why your paid users took their wallets out is useful information. Even though it is an awkward question, we ask them why they paid for the tool and what features made them go for it. For example, we learned from those who built directory-like apps that they liked the “Grid/List View” features of the app builder. So when we come across a feature request for a new view we will take it seriously. 👉 What are your paid/high-usage users asking for? Sometimes a high-usage user will come across roadblocks. If the feature is a must-have, dig deeper into why they are blocked, and whether there are any workarounds. And if the feature is good to have, can they live without it for some more time? One of our paid users was blocked on webhooks, so we shared the blog we wrote about other Notion tools (Nohooks and Make) that can do it. 👉 What are the most requested features in your community? On day 1, we created a Community page on the website where users can discuss and ask questions about the tool. We hardly got engagement in the first 2 months. But slowly users started to request new features, upvote them, and report bugs, in the community. The conversations we had on Linkedin and Twitter are also factored in. For instance, this is how we realized custom colors and branding is an important feature. 👉 Is it a high ROI feature? Some features give big results (resulting in new use cases and making existing use cases more lucrative), but still only take a feasible amount of time. Maybe it is okay to place your bets on such features. This is how we decided to pick “View Page Content”. This way any content on a page like text, toggles, lists, media, embeds, etc can be shown on the app. Currently, apps only show data from Notion Databases and not Pages. ---- What are the next set of features you are working on and why did you prioritize them?
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