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  • Employees eating their meals behind their desks. Yes or no?

    Salar Davari
    14 replies


    Pablo Ani
    I believe it depends on the company culture and the nature of the work. In fast-paced environments, eating at desks might be necessary, but in more relaxed settings, having a separate eating area could foster better team bonding and creativity.
    Azlan Tariq
    Hahaha i dont see it as a problem as long as they are being productive with their work
    Salar Davari
    Thanks. I agree. It's just that sometimes the smell bothers the rest.
    I think it's okay as long as it doesn’t become a habit. Sometimes it’s just easier to eat at your desk and keep working .
    I’m all for it if it means people can get more work done. But I also get the importance of taking a real break.
    Richard Lewis
    I personally prefer taking a break away from my desk for meals. It helps me rest and come back refreshed.
    Annisa Sukma Wardana
    Hello, @salardavari allowing employees to eat meals behind their desks has pros and cons: Yes: - Flexibility: Employees can use their break times more efficiently and maintain productivity. - Convenience: Helps in accommodating tight schedules and can be practical for busy or remote work environments. No: - Distraction: Eating at the desk might lead to spills or mess, potentially affecting work performance. - Work-Life Balance: It might blur boundaries between work and personal time, leading to burnout. Ultimately, the decision should consider company culture, employee preferences, and the nature of the work. Encouraging designated break areas might strike a balance between productivity and well-being.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    That's purely sad, in my opinion.
    Matt Cloud
    I do both daily!
    Malka Parveen
    Personally, I think it’s okay for employees to eat at their desks if they need to catch up on work.
    Debra Hetrick
    Eating at our desks just doesn’t sit well with me. It can blur the line between work and personal time, and I miss having a proper break away from my screen.
    Ezekiel Adewumi
    Depends on what is convenient for the employee and people around
    Olivia Rose Thompson
    If they are productive then let them do their thing haha. Work gets done & employees are happier which is a win win in my book!