Employed people, How much time do you dedicate to building your own products on a daily basis?

Andrei Debono
3 replies
Also, how long would it take you on average to finish an MVP to get it off the ground? Do you use the same tech as work? If so, do you feel it contributes to burn out? I found using a different stack keeps me more motivated, although obviously I’m much less productive as I also spend time learning and researching.


Lawrence Cox
I typically dedicate around 1-2 hours per day to building my own products, focusing on personal projects or hobbies that include software development, woodworking, or other creative endeavors, depending on my workload and energy levels.
Kyle DeSana
Yeah this question really resonates with me. I have a 9-5 that is my “real” job and then I dedicate an hour before and 3-4 hours after as well to work on CommSense.io. It’s definitely a lot of work and I ended up having to contract some of the development work out for a few weeks just to maintain momentum. Handling the legal, outbound, development, and admin stuff while having a day job is definitely a grind. I’m probably a week or 2 from getting my MVP ready to launch, and in total it’d be about 2.5-3 months.