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  • Email Subject Line Best Practices

    Priyank Sharma
    0 replies
    Most of the time, an email's subject line determines whether it gets read. It is what separates your email from the 100+ others that are received daily by the typical inbox. Recipients are encouraged to open the email because of it. Do you want the content of your emails to be read, clicked, and opened? The subject line is the place to start. Continue reading for some tried-and-true suggestions on how to spice up your email subject lines and increase email engagement. 1. Personalize it 2. Keep it to the point 3. Avoid spammy words, special characters, and SHOUTING 4. Subject lines should contain open-ended questions 5. Use only limited punctuation 6. Leave out the word "newsletter" 7. To encourage people to open your email, try using a teaser subject line 8. Make people feel valued 9. Use interesting preview text 10. A/B test your subject lines 11. Don't be afraid to use emojis 12. Use numbers 13. Include a call to action You're now ready to make the strong email subject lines that will draw recipients' attention to your emails using these suggestions. However, don't rely solely on our suggestions. See which emails you've been opening by taking a look at your own inbox. One of the best ways to craft a subject line that will stand out and grow your business is to put yourself in your contacts' shoes.
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