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  • Drop your recent side project. Would love to try and share honest feedback.

    Arpit Singh
    3 replies


    Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
    Hi Arpit! We did not launch yet but we are planning to soon! Would love to have feedback about this https://www.producthunt.com/upco.... Do you understand what we are building?
    Arif Hossain
    I'm currently building a free tool for indiehacks. the goal is to build it in a weekend and launch it on PH by the end. You can try it out on https://indiehacks.link In case this sounds interesting you can subcribe for the launch 👉https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Ilya Bulgakov
    We are building an employee listening platform that uses AI and ML. It allows employees to be as sincere as possible, and for employer - to really understand what's going on in the company. We haven't launch yet, but we are very close. www.jobstalks.co