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  • Drop your most used app!

    12 replies


    Shantanu Singh Batra
    Linkedin is be the top one for me. I believe there is a completely different aura associated with each app you use. Instagram for laid back free time, Linkedin for niche-focused community building, etc.
    Aarav Pittman
    I prefer X but nowadays my interests is changing to linkedin
    I use WhatsApp mostly to chat with my family members
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Sad to see no one voted for WhatsApp, so that's what I am here for.
    I enjoy spending time on Instagram; it's a great way to pass the time.
    Linda Robinson
    Twitter and Linkedin mostly for me. But recently spending more time on Apple News to get a variety of perspectives on current events beyond my network.
    Sana Khan
    hey my most used app is Instagram. I’m always scrolling through photos and stories.
    Dinda Nancy
    I m on Facebook all the time. It’s where I catch up with friends and family and check out events.
    David Grunwald
    I use LinkedIn the most for connecting with colleagues and exploring career opportunities.
    LinkedIn. but internally, I'm dangerously addicted to Slack.
    Bhhavesh Desalhey
    Always surfing through multiple apps and website like Pinterest, Behance, savee.it for design inspiration. Where do you find design inspiration?
    Kavya Tripathi