Does your team use Slack or Discord?

Utku Uzun
16 replies


Sergio Zaciu
Slack for work and anything internal for the company Discord for speaking with our early supporters
Paul Mit
@szaciu Thanks! Do you think that slack is not suitable for communication with early adopters?
Luka Vasic
I used to have a team on Discord and my current team is on Slack. Personally, I love discord but I use it for fun with friends, and it always associates me with gaming or fun. Slack now associates me with work.
Utku Uzun
@luka_vasic I guess many people think the same. Including me :)
Chris Sarca
Neither, a few years ago we switched from Slack to Discord, and from there to Google Chat.
Utku Uzun
@chris_sarca I haven't used it, I'll try it right away.
Paul VanZandt
We use Slack and never really considered using Discord. I think Slack is just more professional and is really easy to integrate teams into.
Ümit Aslan
slack, but it stands with the employer (:
Adriel Cruz
I use Slack for work as for Discord I use it for casual talk with friends or playing games.
No, we are using our tool Firmao CRM
Gurpinder Singh
Our team is currently using Slack.