Does anyone know how to post a story or article on Product Hunt?

Nitin Joshi
14 replies
I observe that there are many article posted here: But I do not know to access this page or how I can post an article here related to my product.


Paul Dhaliwal
Yes I always have same question!
i think it's curated by the product hunt team
Nitin Joshi
@entreeden Okay! from where it curate the content? Any Idea?
You can contact PH's customer service.
@nitin_joshi I hope it will be helpful~and I'd be really grateful if you could support my Product launched today :D
@nitin_joshi I don't know why I can't post links in the comments ... Can you? It's the" Metawork" currently ranked third on the Product page
I think it is a service offering by the PH team.
Nitin Joshi
@sylvia_sheng OKay! Do you know how to appeal this service?
Scott Howell
Never Tried but, want to know.