Does anyone know how to delete a product?

6 replies
I submitted a product for testing just to see how the launch process works, but I can't find the button to delete it... Does anyone know how to do this? I don't want that weird Sweet potato product showing up on my profile...


Aaron O'Leary
I can remove it Frida! Which product is it?
@aaronoleary Oh really?! Thanks! The name of the product is Sweet potato. If you need a link, here it is :
@aaronoleary Hi Aaron! I still see Sweet potato in the My product menu, could you please remove it?
Nikita Galkin
@frida_lee Thanks for following up with our team. We have removed the requested post. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions; we're here to help.
@frida_sp I got a duplicate product just generated out of no where while I am submitting my product. Now It says the product url is taken I went to my profile changed one of the urls, so that i can post my product. But the one with the below link says that It throws an error "CLEANURL HAS ALREADY BEEN TAKEN" Could you just delete these two duplicate products so that i can post mine.