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  • Does anyone have a favourite recipe/cooking app? Please share

    Keston Neunie
    11 replies


    Have you ever wondered how delicious food can be? The history of cooking is endless. I'd love to share some of my favorite meals with you and to share a great website https://recipebyingredients.com/... where I am taking in advance different interesting features and solutions about what to cook and how to do it. I actually prefer such a great solution.
    Keston Neunie
    @kateryna_tarasova hey, thanks for the recommendation, will check this out and see how things taste. Much appreciated. Are you working on a product? If so, please share
    Keston Neunie
    @psd thanks for that one. Just checked and tested it. Very clean!
    Peyt Spencer Dewar
    Yeah I don’t use it as often as I’d like 😅
    Keston Neunie
    @psd - ah thats always the challenge. How to build a product sticky enough to get used often. I'm developing a cooking app myself. Trying to find loves people love and analyse how that love grew! PS - are you working on any new product launches yourself?
    Peyt Spencer Dewar
    @neunie nice! do you have a beta version of it? yes, I'm building lyrist.app to be launched soon
    Keston Neunie
    @psd Just checked out the app, its fire! I used to rap back in college and straight away can see how useful this app can be for writing. Just being able to play, rewind and write in the same screen. Much better than playing audio on a computer then writing on another device. Word finder is cool too. The Youtube clip ones were not loading but the soundcloud one played. You got bars too. Very cool, wanna share with my pals that do music, should I wait until launched or just send now.
    Keston Neunie
    @psd I'm building easycookapp.com - trying to add more recipes/videos and figure out the best way to onboard a new user.
    albert jhon
    I am not using any app. I am looking for vertical charcoal smoker please guide me about it.
    Tammy Martin
    Bien sûr ! Il existe plusieurs applications de cuisine très appréciées, mais mon coup de cœur personnel est "Yummly". Cette application propose une vaste gamme de recettes adaptées à tous les goûts et préférences alimentaires. De plus, elle offre des fonctionnalités pratiques telles que la possibilité de sauvegarder des recettes, de créer des listes de courses et même de suggérer des plats en fonction des ingrédients que vous avez sous la main. Et pour découvrir des planches apéros originales, je recommande également l'application "Tasty". Elle regorge de nombreuses idées créatives pour des hors-d'œuvre et des amuse-gueules qui surprendront vos invités à coup sûr !