Do you work on weekends?
Dima Groshev
21 replies
I wonder how many people work on the weekends.

Relja Denic@relja_denic

Sometime I do

No. Big advocate on taking a rest here. I think we need to denormalize impossible working hours and start encouraging healthy rest days.
I found that some people (me included) are less focused if whey work 10days without rest. I rather work with laser focused people for a working week and than not hear from them for two days straight :D

Content Oyster
It depends on the weekend. This weekend, the answer is yes.
Universal UI Kit
@thebonnibelle Same for me. What are you working on?

Content Oyster
@dimagroshev getting Content Oyster ready for launch. How about you?
Comment Deleted
Working on the weekend is the cost of being a Founder and making some absolutely awesome stuff. But, it's absolutely worth it.

Yes I do! Building Stockle relentlessly and preparing for full launch
Depends! This weekend, the answer is yes.
Absolutely not