Do you work from the office or remote?

Good Will
46 replies


Angelina Shaw
I have a dedicated space for work so I Prefer Remote
@angelina_shaw I seem to get too distracted when I work remote. How do you stay on track?
Hybrid. How about you?
Remote 🌟 🌟 🌟
Jen Anderson
Remote - I have a home office. I worked out of a shared workspace for a while to get away from construction noise, and really liked the space. But my home office works better for my style of working.
As an entrepreneur, I am all about flexibility. I embrace a mix of both office and remote work, depending on the needs of the day.
Fitz Dupuy
I work from office
Aleksa Teőić
I prefer working in office, especially after prolonged period of time when I work from home. I don't have dedicated office space in my apartment though, so if / when I build that, I'm guessing that I'll prefer working from home
Matej Cabadaj
Remote, but would like to get a space in co-working. Missing the human contact! :)
Launching soon!