Do you want to see more non-AI products on Product Hunt?

Ilija Rolović
3 replies
These days, AI products are what you can mostly see on top every day - and that's understandable, considering the rapid development of LLMs. That said, Product Hunt now looks a bit like AI Hunt, and more often than not, the actual "product" is a specialized case of calling the ChatGPT API. Idk how long it will be until AI is not a core feature of a product, but just a regular part of the stack. I kinda really miss everything from a random game at times, to a minimal, beautiful CRM, to an NFT marketplace popping up on this site - anyone else feels the same?


Thomas Mitchell
I do appreciate the innovations in AI, it would be refreshing and beneficial to see a wider variety of non-AI products as it can inspire creativity in different sectors and broaden our understanding of the diverse tech landscape!
Shirley Lewis
AI products have their merits, it's refreshing to explore the diverse landscape of non-AI products on Product Hunt, offering a wider range of innovation and possibilities.