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  • Do you wake up the same time 7 days a week and does it help?

    Swapratim Roy
    26 replies
    Weekends are mostly for little rest and relax, even for builders and solopreuners. So a little late waking up is quite normal. From my past experience, I have observed that a little late waking up on the weekend messes up the waking pattern, from Monday onwards. You need to struggle a bit more. I prefer to keep my waking time the same, all round the year. It gives me further privilege to wake up any day without much effort. Between I'm a morning person. How do you prefer waking up the entire week. Does keeping a regime helps you to be productive? Are you a morning person or a night owl while working on your product?


    Igor Lysenko
    Yes, from my personal experience. I get up every day at 6 am and go to bed at 10 pm.
    Swapratim Roy
    @ixord That's the best approach for a disciplined life indeed :-)
    David Allworthy
    I couldn’t agree more. I have 2 young children and so we’re always up around 6am everyday. If I even get up a bit later, say 7am I don’t feel as good. I let my body wake up naturally and that’s usually 6am ish. It’s better getting up early as then you’re not in a rush and you take control of the day making it much more productive and enjoyable! The early bird always catches the worm 💪🏻😁. I usually go to bed at 10pm, so a 6am rise is no problem at all.
    Swapratim Roy
    @dracreate what a lovely view. And yes, the early bird always catches the worm - so true. I get up around 5-ish (prefer slow bird chirping as wake up alarm). The early hours are way more productive than anytime later. My kid gets up an hour later, so it's a win-win for both.
    yes! you need to have a set circadian rhythm that your body goes through daily to create the right amounts of melatonin i will occasionally sleep in on the weekend tho lol
    Swapratim Roy
    @ashenone it is always good to have some occassional relaxation. After all, we are not robots. But correctly mentioned - circadian rhythm gets straight with that habit.
    Usually the same times in the weekdays due to the children but a little more variable
    Swapratim Roy
    @maxwellcdavis It makes sense. My daughter also gets up almost right after me everyday :-)
    It works differently for different people. For eg, I just take an extra one hour of bedtime during weekends which is not a lot to catch up on during the weekdays, at least for me.
    Swapratim Roy
    @senthil99nathan there's no one formula for all. Everyone has an optimum routine which works best for that person.
    @swapratim_roy , well, exactly, more or less what I had to say. :)
    Deluar Hosain
    If you maintain a routine but first and most early wake-up, it might help anyone.
    Oluwakemi Akinbo
    I maintain the same routine during the weekends as the weekdays, even when I want to sleep in a little more during the weekends, I find myself waking up around the same time as I do during the week.
    Swapratim Roy
    @oluwakemi_akinbo ha ha, I can feel you. I have the same experience mostly.
    Carter Michael
    IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE. But I do not? Why, I'm good at some things but following sleeping habits is not one. For the brief time I was following a regular wake-up and sleep schedule I had never been more productive and felt better. If you think it's possible - give it a go!
    Swapratim Roy
    @carter_barnett I have been following up this regime for last couple of years and I never felt better
    Dominic Bouchard
    I used an Oura ring and if I don't wake up at the same time (AKA decide to stay in bed 1-2 more hours) my sleep score decrease the next day. I'm not sure if its because I had more sleep or because my body think it will be the same the next day, but my sleep efficiency decrease when I oversleep. Anyone else is using Oura?
    Swapratim Roy
    @dbouchard2 I had no idea that such Oura ring exists :-) Looking at it now in google and it looks quite cool. I'm sure someone here has used it too. But it's a good idea to keep a score of your sleeping habit - quite efficient way to keep track of sleep deficiency.
    Luke Emery
    I haven't set an alarm for the past few years. my aim is to get to bed around 10pm, read for an hour, sleeping at 11pm. my body usually wakes up after 8 hours sleep. I prefer my internal alarm rather than having a set time, if I need to shift this an hour or 2 later then it doesn't bother me too much. p.s I don't have kids and my girlfriend is an influencer who wakes up whenever, so we aren't time constrained
    Swapratim Roy
    @luke_emery Man you're living your best time. When your body says it right - that's the best time to wake up - period. Besides, no kids to wake you up at six - that's a bliss :-D
    Shawn Cao
    To be honest, weekends are usually 1 hour later, 7 AM is the routine for weekdays because I have to regardless of when I went to bed, haha~
    Shawn Cao
    @swapratim_roy haha, how do you know I'm a Netflix subscriber>? :)
    Swapratim Roy
    @shawn_cao It's better to give a treat your body on the weekend and sleep is better than netflix ;-)
    Ekrem Çetinkaya
    Yes, I do. I think it's crucial to have a constant sleep schedule for the entire week so the body can get used to it. If you keep disrupting during the weekends, then you will always wake up tired no matter how hard you try. At least that's how I feel :)
    Swapratim Roy
    @ekrcet You nailed it bro! I had this exact problem. A tired start of Monday morning everytime - I was so tired of it and wanted to change it for good.