Do you use any particular AI writing tool? (Except Bard, GPT, etc.)

Lakshya Singh
11 replies


Lakshya Singh
AppSave by Appscribed
I like Agility Writer and KoalaWriter. Both provide good-quality content. You can check out their reviews on Appscribed
Lindsay Davis
Generated Photos
Generated Photos
ChatGPT is the best one for me. While many people prefer Bard over ChatGPT, I don't like its outputs🤷🏻‍♀️
Lakshya Singh
AppSave by Appscribed
@imlindsay I think using both of them is the most optimised way. Bard always gives you content in bullet points which is easier to read whereas ChatGPT gives better written content. If I need to, I always use a mix of both of the techs.
Jos Bish
Yes, I use Bard and ChatGPT.
Lucky Croissant
There are many tools but I like bard because it has latest data.
Jofra G
Yes, I use ChatGPT.
Matej Cabadaj
To be honest, I just sometimes use the Notion AI :)
Lakshya Singh
AppSave by Appscribed
@matej_cabadaj That's interesting! How is it compared to others?