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  • Do you use AI technology for learning foreign languages?

    Dandelion Galleries
    12 replies
    If so, what apps or tools do you find most helpful?


    Amy G. Debnam
    I’ve had good experiences with Pimsleur for learning pronunciation and conversational skills. It’s audio-focused, which is great for on-the-go learning.
    Dandelion Galleries
    @amy_g_debnam Pimsleur sounds perfect for that! I love how it's focused on real-world conversations. Have you noticed a big improvement in your pronunciation since using it?
    Amensa Hulk
    Tandem is another app I like for language exchange.
    Dandelion Galleries
    @amensa_hulk That's awesome! Tandem's a great choice for real-time language practice. Do you find it more helpful for casual conversation or structured learning?
    Anne Boehm
    I like using Memrise for vocabulary building. The spaced repetition system really helps with retention.
    Dandelion Galleries
    @anne_boehm Memrise is a solid choice! I’ve heard great things about its spaced repetition too. How’s it working for your long-term vocab retention?
    Aaron hailey
    Absolutely, AI tools have really boosted my language learning by tailoring lessons to my pace and progress.
    Dandelion Galleries
    @aaron_hailey Totally agree! AI tools make learning so much more efficient. Do you have a favorite one that’s really worked for you?
    Larry Kim
    Yes, using AI for language learning helps me practice speaking and comprehension in a more engaging way.
    Dandelion Galleries
    @larry_kimm That’s awesome! AI really does make practice more interactive. How often do you use it to sharpen your skills?
    I rely on AI-based language apps to provide instant feedback and immersive experiences for better fluency.
    Dandelion Galleries
    @jack_melborn That’s a smart approach! Instant feedback really speeds up progress. What’s your go-to app for fluency?