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  • Do you think the craze of ChatGPT will fade away in a few months?

    Shushant Lakhyani
    60 replies


    Namrata Dubey
    May Be Yes Becuse some product come and reach at peak level after that the product of demand start decline. And I don't know what is exactly ChatGPT. Only, I have heard the name
    In my opinion, ChatGPT being the fastest ever tool to reach 100M users within just 2 months, will significantly tend to increase as it will gather even more users on daily basis.
    Muskan Keshervani
    ChatGPT is one of the trendy things happening everyone is talking about it but I think many big companies are going to enter the same space just like Google who are about to launch a similar AI tool.
    Nikhil Sharma
    yes things work on digital platform as per the user interests and user behaviour!
    Mengod KIDJO
    Not for me, this tool is so powerfull And Google talk about bard, in few months i think that we will adopt ai like we adopt social media. Great thing are comming i think
    Dhanraj Dhanokar
    I am addicted to ChatGPT. I don't even remember how many times I use it on a daily basis, and I'm not alone. So, it's going to stay for a long time.
    Michael Grier
    I believe the hype of media related exposure will go down but the product itself is here to stay. With new announcements with Microsoft and Bing Search this avenue will create a space for companies to compete in. AI has been on the horizon for some time now and we are starting to see the evolution of the technology.
    Eddie Forson
    No way this fades away. It's not about ChatGPT only. It's about LLMs and AI infusing every product where it adds value to customers' workflow. And the applications seem limitless. This is just the beginning. We must embrace this new AI-first world and build the best tools possible and decide if and where to incorporate the AI in our products.
    Shushant Lakhyani
    @ed_forson What do you think will happen to the regular jobs in the AI-first world?
    Eddie Forson
    @shushant_lakhyani I think we're going to see phases where AI, as it becomes better, could gradually replace certain functions. I'm not sure about timelines but I reckon we may start seeing more of this in this decade. In the meantime though, AI is not good enough, so humans will stay in the loop in order to supervise and correct its output. Think of it as AI augmenting many jobs and making professionals more productive, but professionals act as editors or reviewers of the job that the AI did (like a boss/teacher reviewing a subordinate or pupil's work).
    Barnee Lloyd
    It's inevitable the craze will fade as it becomes normalized and similar products come out (like Google's Bard). But I'm pretty confident the value-add of the tech is here to stay! I've been using ChatGPT and GPT3 since they came out, and am still using it today to help guide me with helpful content writing.
    Shushant Lakhyani
    @barneelloyd Has ChatGPT helped you do more client work easily?
    Nadezhda Babushkina
    Great question! There are about 4.95-5.16 billion internet users worldwide, and most likely that the majority of them use browsers to search for info on the daily basis. It’s likely, that we’ll see a migration from basic browser search to gpt powered ))
    Shushant Lakhyani
    @nadenade What are your predictions on this? Since it is Microsoft vs Google here, who will win?
    Nadezhda Babushkina
    @shushant_lakhyani I think it’s too early. The market is big there is a place for everyone. Tend to think that there would be many different vendors that emerge, and sent monopolies packing :) Shushant, what is your forecast?
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    Emily Matick
    I don't think so at all. As someone who's been working on AI for the last 3+ years or so, the explosion of ChatGPT, like DALL-E & DALL-E 2 have done more for popularizing and normalizing the use of AI in weeks than it has taken some of my teams months or years to educate audiences on. I think the benefit of this recent fad is how quickly this will levelset consumer expectations of AI for the better.
    Shushant Lakhyani
    @chrismessina Why do you think so?
    Chris Messina
    @shushant_lakhyani if you are referring to the current ChatGPT UI, then sure, it may fade. But in terms of expectations of what advanced conversational interfaces should be capable of? No, there's no going back. The chatbots of 2016 were bad but people found their convenience undeniable. Now that those bots can actually do useful things, I think we'll be picking up from there and building actually useful conversational software for the rest of 2023.
    Mukesh Saravanan
    I don't really think so, because this one thing led to the creation of so many other AI products and with ChatGPT being the catalyst for this AI trend, it puts it at the top of popular AI products and I think it will remain so for a while, until some other revolutionary product comes about. It's like Internet Explorer, many other browsers were made, but it still existed and was used by many until the fact that it became kinda obsolete and with the Edge browser already existing.
    Shushant Lakhyani
    @thisismukesh What do you think can be the next revolutionary product after ChatGPT?
    Venkat Reddy Chintalapudi
    ChatGPT changed the way we used to search and what to expect. I see it as a productivity tool so that people can do a lot more compared to earlier. After the success of ChatGPT, many organizations are trying to use Generative AI capabilities. It is going to stay and would change the way people search for information.
    Carolina Nucamendi
    It feels overexposed now, I'm thinking people will start experiencing fatigue and like someone else said, the market will start getting more crowded by competitors, we'll see how they weather that...
    Kristina Kuzmenkova
    I think that the same technologies will spread around more and more in a few months. Chat GPT is like step to the future and next generation. It's rather positive from the one side but sad from the other. However it will be so habitual and familiar for us (even not for us but for children of our children)
    Theresa Johnson
    Definitely not.it's such a game changer. I think that it will only be improved.
    Tyrone Morris
    I think the craze around it will fade in some ways as the next crazy thing is just around the corner and we no longer have attention spans. But not the technology itself. All this hype about the speed at which it has acquired users is just being fuelled by initial curiosity. How many of those 100M users are daily active users? Ultimately, I believe ChatGPT is a threat. It already renders half of the products on this very site irrelevant and this is just the beginning. Why pursue a business or product idea anymore when your solution can be killed overnight by some AI tool?! I'm deeply concerned for the creative industry at large... but maybe that's just me.
    We are in the early stage of the AI race, it is still in "experiment mode" with early adopters. We will shift to an early majority in the coming months as it will be included in all our assistants (like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa), and it will be part of our search routine (like Bing). Can't wait to see when it will be incorporated into Robots like Boston dynamic to have an active conversation and even video games!