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  • Do you spend more than 6 hours in front of a screen daily? Your eyes might be taking a hit.

    2 replies
    I might have a proposed solution. 🔻 The Pitch: 🛗 I'm working on a tool to help reduce eye strain for people spending more than 6 - 8 hours everyday in front of their computer. The Landing Page:📍 https://9to5extension.carrd.co The Request:🙏🏻 Please provide feedback because the product might be beneficial to you. As a thank you I will try my best to offer something in return. Thank you. Follow up on Twitter - https://twitter.com/veerxyz


    Philip Snyder
    Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
    Delphi — Digital Clone Studio
    Honestly, looks really cool, but I'm not sure if I'd pay just for an extension that reminds me to look away from my screen every 20 mins
    @philipsnyder this is QUITE TRUE mentality when you look at it as a chrome extension, because extensions are in the early phase of what they can bring to the table so are undervalued atm. If anyone uses a product/service and benefits in return, in this case, lesser strain to the eyes, maybe they might give it a shot. Again, it's only for people who spend majority of time working in front of their screens and tend to loose track of time. That's all.