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  • Do you schedule everything you have to do?

    62 replies
    Our days can be filled with MANY tasks, and sorting them can ease up big times. Are you using a scheduling app to schedule everything and tasks you have to finish or old-fashioned paper and pen?


    Archisman Das
    I have found time blocking very useful. It not only helps in getting things done but also gives me a perspective on how much I can get done. I use Loopin (https://www.loopinhq.com/) for that
    @archisman_das Yeah, it’s beneficial! Nice website!
    Hussain Effendi
    Paper and pen has a sense of accomplishment, especially when you tick off tasks that have been completed. Don't you just love that feeling? Even though at work I am required to use Google taskboard, I secretly use a paper and pen on the side just to feel motivated with every tick!
    @heffendi Great move! Not gonna lie, I do that too, to get motivated!
    Yassin Bouacherine
    I don't think I ever scheduled more than what I needed for the day, and the next day was only planned when I was done with the first. Scheduling makes sense if you are in a repetitive activity with a few variations of unexpected or unique events. To me, it would feel way too overwhelming to plan everything out from start to finish, you never know what's coming for you at the end. I could go as far as planning a week for a given task, but that's about it. I just tackle what feels to be the priority or the easiest ones to complete. A paper and a pen to not forget any kind of small detail for the next task can be very helpful! I would rather keep notes, and documents, knowing it would help me out for a specific task. Those documents are like reminders, particularly during the morning. I certainly don't want to think much about what I did yesterday, and what I should do for the day. ;D In this matter, I am able to go from one task to another really fast. I am usually done sooner than expected, except for tasks relying on others, which are out of my control. When you schedule, it has to be solely what you can do from A to Z, or you may get frustrated! ;D Cheers.
    @jack95 You’ve made an excellent point! Thanks for sharing this! You explained it detailed and gave me an extra thing to think about! I think detailed scheduling works well for people that want to get a habit of what they just got learned to do.
    Yassin Bouacherine
    @eliaxvibrant I agree at 1000%! Scheduling works well for people to get into a habit of tasks that are predictable no matter the circumstances.
    Andrea Todorova
    Yes, for a general organization I use Google Calendar (tasks + events). For projects, I use Trello/Productive :)
    @andrea_todorova1 Well divided! Do you have reminders on the Google calendar?
    Andrea Todorova
    @eliaxvibrant Nope. I have the calendar open at all times so I don't need reminders :)
    Sven Radavics
    Nope. I schedule about 80% of the day. I have a long list of tasks that move the company forward, but have low brain/energy requirements. If I ever hit a wall during my day, I pull out this list and work on that for a while until I feel my mojo come back.
    @sven_radavics Sweet! I have to create one too! Does it work well?
    Sven Radavics
    @eliaxvibrant Yes, it works great, for me. I also use a paper list, so being able to cross off lots of little things is quite cathartic.
    Rich Watson
    no, I just have to-do lists and knock them out in order of priority- unless I need to get something done by a specific date.
    @richw Nice, I love to-do lists! Do you use an app for that?
    Rich Watson
    @eliaxvibrant i don't really use an app. for the app i'm working on I use discord to make todo lists.
    @richw That's cool! I hope it works out
    Fabian Maume
    I'm scheduling only big tasks requiring focus, like example refactoring a script. For the short task, I'm just using ora.pm, I have boards there with tasks sorted by urgency.
    @fabian_maume Great! It’s nice to use apps that offer priority to all your tasks👌🏼
    i try my best to - good ol calendar on my laptop. works well!
    @jeff_sonny Always working flawlessly with the good ol’ habits!
    Sean Foden
    I have a really busy schedule. I work as a developer and I have two favorite hobbies (Going to the gym and making music) so I can't do without scheduling app. Since my dream is to make music for video games, I devote a lot of time to this hobby. In the future I would like to work as a sound designer in a company such as Valve or license music as Styngr does. I use Dayful. What apps do you use?
    @sean_foden1 Sounds like you are using your schedule👌🏼 I wish you all the best and fame, good luck! I use google calendar and notion!
    Jefferson Vargas
    Old-fashioned but still 22yo SMH 🤣. To-do lists help me feel my progress in a more realistic way
    @callmejeff you always have to have at least one old-fashioned habit😂 Fantastic!
    Animesh Koratana
    No, definitely not. I plan out the big tasks that I know ahead of time need done (especially those with defined due dates) but I try to keep my planning out of the weeds and flexible to the inevitable change that so often blows our plans out of the water.
    @akoratana It sounds like a great way of managing your tasks, from small to big! Thanks for sharing🙌
    Frankie Zhang
    I schedule work stuff on Google Calendar, and personal stuff, in an old-school way, on the notebook!
    @frankie_zhang Awesome combo! Tips: if you have a small notebook, you can take it with you everywhere😉
    Michel John
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    @micheljohn Thanks Michel! Hope you found it helpful :)
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    Grace Bulman
    I used to schedule out EVERYTHING, but I found that as I micromanaged myself, I felt more stressed. So mainly now I schedule the most important tasks and leave space on my calendar for the smaller or less immediate tasks. That way, if things need to be moved around, my schedule won't be affected too much. And I'm definitely a paper-and-pen type of person! Physically writing things down helps me remember it.
    @grace_bulman Great that you found out what you like and what works for you! Nice!
    Rachee Jacobs
    I use a combo - I have the Remarkable 2 which is an e-ink tablet which lets me scribble all my tasks down but also backs it all up digitally.
    @racheej yeah, I've been thinking of getting one of those. Seems like it would solve many problems. Do you recommend it to schedule things or creating to do lists?
    Karthik Tatikonda
    I've used Todo ist and Notion for planning and scheduling my day. But after following that for some days, I felt less human and more robotic. In order to complete the tasks and beat the clock, I lost the enthusiasm to work and sometime I've burned out too. So, from then I've stopped using calendar and to do lists. The productivity might go down, but in the longterm I feel productivity won't affect as I feel our excitement towards work & hunger to solve problems, will make us more productive than these so called schedules
    @karthik_tatikonda Yeah, I think the key point to this is to not rely on schedules. Instead, have a plan, schedule it, and at the same time, feel free to move things around.
    Abdullah Alka Kandilli
    Yes, event my daily clothes...
    @a.kandilli For real? That's awesome haha, how do you do it?
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    Pavel Kukhnavets
    Scheduling tasks and project activities may seem an easy thing. However, not so many people can perfectly manage due dates and deadlines. Therefore it's a good idea to apply a professional PM planner and scheduler to simplify your life. GanttPRO (https://ganttpro.com/) is a great solution that helps plan work, track tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with stakeholders - all in one place. You get a handy Gantt chart and dozens of professional features that make your planning a pleasure.
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