Do you prefer virtual meetings or in person meetings?

Irmak Besimoğlu
42 replies
I prefer virtual meetings 😉


Javeria Amjad
in person meetings for sure! virtual meetings are always spent with "can you hear me now? can you guys see my screen?"
Mansi Trivedi
I am working remote so all my meetings are remote only.. Haven't really had a chance to have in person meetings..
None! Let's make async meetings ;) check out 🧚🏻
Albama Linn
I prefer in-person meetings because they allow for more natural conversation and collaboration.
Ankur Sharma
Virtual Meetings, as my work involved connecting with people worldwide.
I am more sensitive about meeting times rather than whether it is in person or virtual. Meetings in the middle of the day reduce concentration a lot, so I always prefer to have them early in the morning or at the end of the day. Btw , asyncroneous is the best
Freeman Laffey
Virtual ones. They are more convinient.
Niamh McGlade
Definitely in person. In my experience tone and intention can often become misunderstood over Zoom, Google Meets etc. Especially if some people are in person and some are virtual
Anish Sharma
Very few times I attended any In-person meetings, so I prefer virtual meeting...
Totally depends on the situation, with remote meetings, it’s convenient and you can share screen etc. Personal meetings help establish relationships (better when meeting clients) you can also read body language better with personal meetings.
Laura Patricia
In-person meeting is my go-to, especially if the client/partner that I'm seeing is friendly :)
Monty Parin
I prefer in-person meetings because they allow me to better understand body language and nonverbal cues.
Nico Spijker
Preference for in-person, but all my meetings are remote lol. Productivity nugget: There were actually some studies why online meetings are often perceived as worse, one of the issues is seeing yourself constantly during the meeting and another one was that people often sit too close to the camera. Removing your own video from the view and taking some more distance from the computer can help improve the virtual meeting both for yourself and the other person you're meeting with :).
Daryna Berezhna
Virtual meetings are a bit more convenient. However, when it comes to brainstorming sessions, I'd opt for in-person ones.
Emma Watson
prefer virtual meetings
Vincent Xu
I personally prefer virtual meetings as well! It's convenient and saves a lot of time. By the way, I'm currently working on launching my own product soon. Do you have any advice or tips for me? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much in advance!