Do you like QR Code menu in restaurant?

Ravi Mayank
5 replies


Gyula Rusinczky
I think it's dope, speeds up the whole process of ordering.🙌🏻
It's a god save! My wife likes to memorize the entire menu, so now we can go to a restaurant and scan the menu while waiting to be seated and have less time going through pages and pages. If any item is not easy to understand, quickly searching for a foreign word is quick and simple. No more waiting for the wait stuff to come and explain or run back to see if the item is kosher or not :)
Hossein Yazdi
Yes, it's very handy. 😊
Mr Jhon
yes really like it. there is a restaurant in Virginia chantilly i like to mush his menu
Isabella Iss
Of course I like it. It seems practical to me. I rarely go to restaurants now because I found and decided to try eating only healthy food at home. I've been eating like this for a month and I feel much better than when I went to restaurants or ordered delivery.