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  • Do you know your elevator pitch?

    Kellie O Hara
    5 replies
    ICP means ideal customer profile. UVP means unique value proposition. Both should be clear in your short elevator pitch. What is an elevator pitch? 🤔 It is a concise and persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you provide. It should be no longer than a short elevator ride, hence the name, be clear (no jargon), and should be able to capture someone's attention and leave them wanting to know more. A good pitch clearly conveys a solution that resonates with your ICP, while encouraging a connection. 1️⃣ Picture yourself getting into an elevator ground floor with your ICP (ideal customer profile). 2️⃣ Each floor on average takes maybe 10 seconds. So, you have 10 seconds to pique the initial ICP interest between the ground floor and the first floor. 3️⃣ The objective is to get the ICP interested enough before you hit the 1st floor in order to to ask you more questions. 4️⃣ If the ICP likes what they hear and wants to know more, you move to the 2nd floor and are permitted to add some more context about your UVP (unique value proposition) 5️⃣ Each time the ICP likes what they hear, you move up another floor and have more time to elaborate and provide a deeper understanding. 🔥 But, you MUST clearly grab that attention on the ground floor, otherwise you don't get to move to the 1st floor conversation. 🔥 Remember, "confused minds do not buy", so leave the technical jargon at home. Simples. Let's play a game and see who can move up to the top floor ... share your elevator ground floor pitch below 🙂 PS opinions may vary, I only speak to my own and if I would like to know more. 💃 #elevatorpitch #storytellingforbusiness


    I know what an elevator pitch is but didn’t know the why they called it an elevator pitch. Thanks for sharing!! So cool
    Kellie O Hara
    @slimmy82 who is "you" in this? When you say "you" and "all" it speaks to nobody in particular, which won't speak directly to your ICP. My advise is to really knuckle down first on who your ICP (ideal customer profile) is. Everyone doesn't want to build passive income from real estate, so it's best not to assume. Find out who actually does. They are your ICP.
    Kellie O Hara
    @slimmy82 glad to help Slim! Often startups are familiar with phrases but not sure where those phrases apply and why. When we know the meaning behind it, it helps structure your thought process (in this case your elevator pitch) :D - I'd love to hear yours?
    @thestartupwhisperer wouldn’t you love to earn passive income and create generational wealth? We make residential realestate attainable to all by simplifying every step of the process starting with find the most profitable areas to invest. Something along those lines.
    Maybe I’m miss understanding. By “you” I’m referring to the person I am physically talking to. About the idea. But if I’m going to give a written pitch, then I think you are 100% correct. I really appreciate the tips. Going to clean it up based on your recommendation. This was a great video I watched that helped https://youtu.be/HFergI0UOAs?si=...