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  • Do you have those days when you are unmotivated to do anything? How do you challenge yourself?


    Dipak Sisodiya
    A depleting bank account is a powerful motivator!
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @dipak_sisodiya Yeah, I should spend much more. :-D
    Nuno Reis
    I certainly do, and that's where an amazing team (in my case, amazing co founder) comes in. Lean on people that you trust, and trust you'll help eachother in those moments! :)
    Aphelia T.
    @nuno_ms_reis You are lucky to have such people around :)
    Nuno Reis
    @busmark_w_nika @technufllc thank you so much, it does feel like it. It was very important to me to have something like this in creating a startup from scratch, because there will for sure be hard times. And it's team that gets you through those :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nuno_ms_reis You are lucky to have such a great group of people around you! :-)
    Jerryton Surya
    Disciple > Motivation, I always have the disciple to do things at a fixed time.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @jerryton_surya This is true. I completely forgot about this part. Discipline is the key!
    Chris Sarca
    On those kind of days I try not to force myself doing anything. Most likely it comes as a result of temporary burnout, and I found that for me it's best to focus on my hobbies until I get bored and the thought that I want to work comes out because eventually, it will, no matter if I get bored or time puts pressure on me. So I don't stress too much about not being motivated, it's just temporary, we're humans, and it's just silly to try challenging yourself to be a robot in order to not feel guilty about procrastinating.
    Aphelia T.
    @chris_sarca this is a good approach actually; works for me as well. Good to remember that we are humans not machines after all.
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    @chris_sarca Thank you Chris for those mindful words. I feel better now. :-)
    Doğukan Tezcan
    Sometimes we rely too much on motivation to get things done, but what really helps us achieve our goals is discipline. Establishing a consistent routine can be a great way to build that discipline and make it easier to stay on track without needing constant motivation.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @dogukan_tezcan Thank you Dogukan. You remind me of the crucial part of the process. I workout every day not because of motivation, but because of a habit I have created through the years. It is natural for to me exercise every day and I normalize it. Thanks!
    Lillie Anne Vogt
    Yes for sure! (Feeling it a bit today). I set a timer for ten minutes and tell myself when it goes off, I can decide if I want to still with the task or not. Starting is the hardest part so usually after ten minutes I'm motivated to keep going.
    Omer Ozdemir
    Those days are very few for me. Because I always have many goals to achieve. The biggest reason for loss of motivation is goallessness.
    Aphelia T.
    @tester_1903 don't you feel overwhelmed with many goals?
    Omer Ozdemir
    @technufllc No I'm not overwhelmed because I set realistic goals.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @tester_1903 I think it is not my case, cause I have set many goals, but sometimes I am lost in the amount of them. :-D
    Omer Ozdemir
    @busmark_w_nika Of course, the amount is also important. Then you should choose according to the degree of importance. :-D
    Esra Turan
    @tester_1903 we are alive with our goals, very good view, thank you for sharing!
    On those days i try to remember im only human and try to take it easy :)
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    @sandradjajic That's true. We are not alone in this situation. :-)
    Aphelia T.
    I actually think that being "unmotivated to do anything" means that you actually do not want to do something that is visible task wise. For instance, I can be unmotivated to do some routine work, but motivated enough to go for a walk and generate some ideas on the go. Treat yourself with what you like to have inner energy to do what you don't like/don't feel like at some given moment of time. Anyone relate?
    Aphelia T.
    @busmark_w_nika Definitely a good practice to have to keep yourself safe, healthy and happy for life :) Take care!
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @technufllc Yeah, I should hear my inner voice much more. Thank you, Aphelia. :-)
    Richard Gao
    I think it's more important to set goals for a daily amount of consistent action where even at your lowest in terms of motivation, you can still push though. So the biggest is just setting realistic goals for yourself.
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    @richard_gao2 Yeah, that sounds clever. I think that I am surrounded by many people that are good enough and I want to be such good as they are, but can't achieve everything the same way as they did. I think I want too many things at once.
    Salman Saafi
    I do whatever I want at that time. Things like calling old friends, teachers, or people I care about. This helps to learn people's mind and certainly works well to get some motivation.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @salmansaafi Wow! That is amazing you are in connection with old friends. Appreciate that!
    Magic Mike Paine
    It's good to surround yourself with positive people, because just being in a positive environment with motivated people can be contagious. I also like to get a "healthy" routine that helps me snap out of it. A good workout, or some really loud music that makes me want to dance seem to help adjust my mood.
    Magic Mike Paine
    @busmark_w_nika Favorite song to motivate you? Mine is "I won't back down" by Tom Petty.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mpaine I exactly do not know if I have songs that motivate me, but I have songs that make me happy, that make me feel strong, for example Bryan Adams – You can't take me 😀
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    @mpaine Music is also a notable part of my feelings. It is like opening up to the world.
    Olatz Urrutia
    Music is crucial, I also like to chat or meditate to focus my pains and understand why I'm like that. Once I do this I try to create a realistic to-do list. Or if it hits me hard then I take a time for e and rest or do some sport and back to work when I feel better (pros of flexible schedule!)
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @olatz_urrutia What's the trigger of that bad (unmotivated) feeling? Is it a kind of stereotype? (The same work, the same people, the same environment)? What do you think?
    Olatz Urrutia
    @busmark_w_nika Sometimes it does have to make with an ongoing task or a task that is not getting good results but needs to be done, but other times could be procastinating or a bad day in general
    Doğu Gül
    I prefer to take a short walk to refresh myself, and I work on smaller tasks by dividing the whole task into parts to regain my motivation.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @dogu.gul That sounds good. I also took a walk (for 3 hours). 😀 It is too much time but I feel like not progressing and that feeling is terrible. That walk with music in my ears helped me a lot. :-)
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Thank you guys for your kind words. Today I felt very low and lost in my mind. I took a walk with music in my ears. Some of you reminded me, that it is normal to not feel good, to take a break, and predominantly, to trust the process that is about discipline!
    Shannon Coulon
    I think we all have those kind of days! I find discipline will always triumph motivation. You cannot be motivated 100% of the time. I think it's important to do at least one kind thing for yourself on days like this. Whether that's lighting a candle and taking a bubble bath or watching your favorite show or going for a walk.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @shannon_coulon I think that going for a walk is definitely for me. When I meditate or sit, or lay, I feel worse. When I am on a walk everything changes. 🙂
    Abhijeet Narvekar
    Those are the days or hours, I take a break and work on something completely different, such as painting. I am no/t an artist, but I love to paint pets who have just departed and give them as a gift to the ones who are suffering. It makes them happy which in turn makes me happy and motivated to keep going. Helping others in different ways has helped me look at each day as a new day to try the same thing again but differently
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @abhijeet_narvekar I like your open-hearted approach. I should give it a try as well to treat people around me much better.
    Abhijeet Narvekar
    @busmark_w_nika , A lot of thank you's from others always raises my spirit up. It reminds me that we are valuable and can provide value to others
    Indu Thangamuthu
    I sometimes go with the flow and do nothing! 😁 Giving my mind n body what it likes.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @indu_thangamuthu What does it look like? To do nothing? 😁
    Joe Chow
    yes, sometimes you might face diffcult times, and question yourself about the meaning of keep doing one things. However, most of the successful products and their founders experience similar moments. The vital thing is to keep your eyes on the right track and keep doing it.
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mayverse ❤️ Thank you for your vise words! 🙂
    Kate Santoro
    Of course! It usually happens when I'm feeling sick, or if I'm a bit burnt out. I try to push through it and get stuff done, but also be kind to myself that maybe it's not going to be my most productive day. I also have an amazing team who I can lean on, and that helps a lot <3
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kate_santoro1 Yeah, good people around you is a plus! :-) Sometimes I forget that I cannot be alone for everything. :-)