Do you have any recommendations for technology products focused on education and online learning?

Cihan Abut
4 replies
Can be focused on language learning too


Blake Whittington 👾
Khan Academy 🥇 edX ✨ (MOOCs) DuoLingo 🦉
Thank you for the advice. Lingq is also good if you are looking for technology products focused on education and online learning. I have also taken help from Lingq whenever I want to learn a language. Can anyone over here help me in searching for research paper writers online? I will be thankful to you. I am not so good at writing an essay assignments and that is why I need a help.
Antonio Ricca
Today there are many programs and courses that help you get a quality education. Of course, there is not always time to combine studies in several areas. I found the site and learned about a useful service. Thanks to it, I manage to pass assignments such as essays and thesis to our college teacher. And I have time to study on courses.