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  • Do you have any health or wellness tips for the weekend?

    Haiqa Irfan
    34 replies


    Steward Edison
    Soak up some fresh air in pure nature. You will feel refreshing.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Psychohygiene walk + photoshootings. I need to get to know new people, so this will "clear" my mind.
    Adeeb Malik
    Assess what you've been eating, and what lil' change or alternative food item can you make for the next week! If still not feeling healthy enough... Do this while drinking a homemade fruit smoothie!
    thina samin
    Take proper sleep.
    Zekiye Nur Kesici
    BeforeSunset AI
    Launching soon!
    Take breaks from work to stretch, move around, and get some fresh air. Prioritize sleep, eat healthy meals, and stay hydrated. 🧘 Specific for the weekend, I really looovee a good mental health hot girl walk :D
    go to the beach😄
    Doing yoga and eat well
    Nature walks and Yoga Nidra have been effective for me.
    mike hasil
    Do some meal prep for the week.
    Ray Dhillon
    Take a moment to appreciate that we get to build cool products
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Taking a day off from screens is a good idea. Meditate!
    Lakshya Singh
    Replace all the small items with healthy alternatives - Regular milk with Skimmed milk or Almond MIlk (if you are a funded startup lol), or regular bread with healthy multigrain bread, Chocos or Fruitloops with Meusli, etc. They are not the best always but you are moving towards a better alternative slowly. And it won't make much difference in your taste but in a long term, it will in your health.
    Dev Donald
    Try out a new healthy recipe in the kitchen.
    erwin smith
    For a healthy and relaxing weekend, consider integrating natural wellness practices into your routine. Staying active, eating nutritious foods, and getting enough rest are essential. Additionally, incorporating Essiac Tea into your weekend routine can support your immune system and overall health. Essiac Tea is known for its potential health benefits and can be a soothing addition to your wellness practices. For more information you can find out Where to buy Essiac Tea. Focusing on self-care and natural remedies helps you enjoy a rejuvenating and health-focused weekend. Enjoying such weekends can contribute to long-term health and well-being.
    M Sulaiman
    Stay hydrated, get some fresh air, and make time for a good stretch or light exercise! Also, don’t forget to check out SEOPro’s launch on Product Hunt this weekend!
    Albama Linn
    Catch up on sleep. It is really important.
    Leo Paz
    Whatever activity recharges you to get back to the grind! (Video games, partner quality time, reading, sports, etc)
    Younus Mahmood
    Grab a cup of Chai (and maybe some cake rusk) and enjoy some nature. Always helps clear my mind!
    Brady Wilfahrt
    Make sure to drink lots of water and get outside for some fresh air and sunshine. A short walk can do wonders.
    John Brown
    Fit in a longer workout in weekend!