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  • Do you have a community for your product?

    Nisa Meray
    6 replies
    By creating a Slack community for their customers, B2B companies can foster a sense of community and belonging among their customers. As Spiky, we love the sense of community. You can join our Spiky community here: https://join.slack.com/t/spikycommunity/shared_invite/zt-1s6ivdp3n-OsVN3JoMJw~N9qzX7X0lUg Do you have communities for your products? You can share their links below.


    My product is my community! I am scaling a newsletter for builders to spotlight their failures.
    Alex Todd
    I don't have a community for my product but look forward to learning from you.
    Emmanuel Nwosu
    Amazing, Nisa. I totally agree!
    Kevin Lu
    Joined! Here is our community: https://discord.com/invite/xgmbr... My team is dotBRAND, we are building an online assistant for designers~