Do you guys outsource? If so, at what stage of company growth do you usually start?

Tatyana Deshkevich
7 replies


James Ramos
Nope, I do not think outsourcing is not good idea. There are so much people who is finding opportunities in startup companies. They have passion for their new product. So not outsourcing, attract devs to the team will be better. And also outsourcing cannot keep the code-quailty. Thanks.
Yes, we do outsource. It's really stressful and hard to lead and manage such a big team so outsourcing is a great idea to ease this stress and simplify your team. Typically, we start considering outsourcing during the growth stage when our in-house team is stretched thin, and we need to scale rapidly. This usually happens after securing initial funding and when we’re looking to expand our capabilities without significantly increasing fixed costs. Outsourcing helps us leverage specialized skills and maintain agility while focusing our core team on strategic tasks and product development. Sometimes I may worry that the outsourcing budget will be too high. However, outsourcing can help us save time and concentration. This helps our core teammates focus more on how to rapidly develop into the next step. Hope my experience can help a little bit.
Tatyana Deshkevich
@cassandra11 Thanks so much for the detailed response - it means a lot! You made some great points. Do you mind sharing what you look for in an outsourcing partner? And where do you usually find them (Google, Clutch, GoodFirms, etc.)?
Thomas Hansen
Outsourcing can be beneficial at various stages of company growth, but it is often most effective during the scaling phase. Early-stage startups may outsource non-core activities to focus on product development, while growth-stage companies may outsource specialized tasks to access expertise and manage costs efficiently.
Tatiana Vdovychenko
Typically, outsourcing begins at a stage where specialized skills or capacity beyond our internal team's capabilities are required. This can vary but often aligns with scaling phases when rapid expansion or accessing niche expertise becomes critical for meeting client demands efficiently. Here is the article that I recommend if you outsource for the first time:
Gurkaran Singh
Oh, we outsource like developers outsource to Stack Overflow - strategically and selectively! Usually, it kicks in during the growth spurt when we need extra hands on deck without breaking the piggy bank.
Milo Nathaniel Thorne
We outsourced a few things like content writing and graphic design pretty early on, around the $10k MRR mark. Helped free up time to focus on core product dev and sales. Recently started outsourcing more dev work too as we scale. Key is finding reliable partners you can trust.