Do you feel that having a leader that motivates you to take decisions, boosts your confidence?

Sanjay Somashekar
12 replies
A leader can guide you, correct you and let you take ownership of the activities you are dealing with. In some cases, when someone micro-manages you, there will be more room for mistakes from your end as you would act on how they perceive. Check out my recent LinkedIn post talking about this psychological effect -


Anoir Houmou
Having a mentor is great for inspiration and motivation as long as you're not being micro managed
Murali Gottumukkala
Yes I think that inspires free thinking
Steven Birchall
Definitely it does and it leads to better outcomes for all involved. Micro-management just leads to stress for all involved (no one will ever do you like you, so don't even try and force them to work like), prevents any form of creativity and is just a huge time waste.
Sanjay Somashekar
@stevenbirchall totally true, when you have someone on your team it is only because you found them useful. There is no point going and checking back again and again
Sherry Xena
Yes, I would be more willing to make a decision if I received more encouragement