Do you feel overwhelmed too?

Cyril Gupta
20 replies
I've been a solopreneur but now I have a team of 30+ people. I felt overwhelmed by work when I was solo, and now I feel overwhelmed with management tasks. That didn't change 🤠 How about you? Are you a solopreneur or do you work in a team? Do you have this challenge too? How are you coping?


Gibril Longmene
For now i will say solopreneur.
Cyril Gupta
@longmenegib How is your work going? Do you feel you are mostly having fun or often overwhelmed.
Jeremy Jenkins
Overwhelm can be a common challenge in today's fast-paced world, but by embracing prioritization, time management, and self-care, we can conquer it and achieve greater productivity and well-being!
Cyril Gupta
@jeremy_j24 Well Jeremy, this something that a LLM would say
Kunal Mehta
Absolutely, feeling overwhelmed is something many of us can relate to, especially with the fast-paced world we live in. But worry not! There's a solution that might help you manage that feeling better and boost your productivity. ProApp, our edtech application, is designed to assist learners in various fields, including design, to make the learning process smoother and more effective. You can check it out here: ( Give it a try and let us know how it works for you!
Nick Anisimov
No, maybe because I'm already used to it :)
Cyril Gupta
@nickanisimov That makes two of us mate :). Got any tips?
Nick Anisimov
@cyriljeet Realize that it won't always be like this :)
Yes, every other moment , but then you kind of remind yourself why you chose not to take the easy path .
Cyril Gupta
@therahulv Yep... This is certainly not the easy path... I listen to motivation very frequently. It helps
@cyriljeet yes. Even the mantras help create positive energy around you.
My Khanh Pham
Oh yeah all the time I'm afraid ahaha. But focusing on small wins helps me stay grounded and motivated :)
Cyril Gupta
@my_khanh_pham 100% Small wins every day help a lot! Completing my tasks is a win for me
Allison Ly
Yes, it's normal to feel overwhelmed especially if you're doing everything yourself. I work in a team and I still feel overwhelmed at times. It's all just learning how to cope. For me, I take a few minutes to collect my breathing, write down my thoughts, and even out my breathing. We launch next week, would love your support! (
Moritz Tomasi
Yeah, all the time! But over time i think you will find your own way how to cope with it. I know people who just shut down completely for an hour, go for a walk and then blast back through the door and go on. Others just sit on top of their Trello/Jira/Notion/Linear todo list until everything is in order and they can relax. For me personally: i shut down Slack, put my phone on "F**k off" mode, get a piece of paper and write down small tasks. I work on those for a bit and after a while i feel calm enough to get back into it. We'll be launching on August 9th. Would love your support (
Cyril Gupta
@moritztomasi Glad to know you built a system that works and Yes, would be happy to give you a push.
John Lim
As a solopreneur, I find that as long as the business is ongoing, it can get quite overwhelming.