Do you cook or you like ordering things?

Kristi Von
7 replies


Richard Gao
Cooking saves money obviously. And even when I don't have the time, I can throw together something very simple. I only order on special occasions.
Laurie Hérault
I prefer cook. I love learn how to cook very good dish and progress in this art/science of cooking :)
Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
Both, most of the time I cook but sometimes when I'm tired I tend to order food.
Philip Snyder
I enjoy cooking, but I also like to order takeout every once in a while!
Rhymer Espinosa
I cook most of the time, especially on weekends and special occasions. I order food when I'm craving something I can't prepare myself.
Magdale Mandala
When it comes to cooking versus ordering food, it really depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and circumstances. Cooking at home can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to control ingredients, flavors, and portions while honing your culinary skills. Plus, there's something special about sharing homemade meals with family and friends.On the other hand, ordering food can be convenient David Saroni from Lyon , especially on busy days when you don't have the time or energy to cook. It's a great way to explore different cuisines and flavors without the hassle of shopping and meal preparation.