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  • Do you consider that AI can be used to create Art?

    Adrian Steriopol
    84 replies
    Art = the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.


    Billy Chamos
    Very interesting question! As far as I am aware, in the scientific level of things, creativity is a sum of thousands and thousands of neurons in our brains. There is the image, sound, item, etc, you want to create and then there is the ability to actually manifest whatever it is. Therefore, making art with AI always has its limits. It is really amazing how far we've got and apps actually hide or mask this. Funny, that above this post I see an AI that actually makes art though :)
    Adrian Steriopol
    @vasilis_chamos AI is truly an amazing tool and, if it's used correctly, only time will tell how far it will get. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏
    Adriana Virlan
    Seeing so many Generated AI start-ups that succeed, I think the answer is yes. Art can and should be created by using these tools, in 2022. What do you think @miti_lucian_constantin @savian_boroanca? I know you guys are big fans of AI.
    Savian Boroanca
    @miti_lucian_constantin @adriana_virlan Jasper Art is impressive! Though I love the human touch, I think AI can produce fantastic works. 🎨
    Toh Xue Zun
    @miti_lucian_constantin @savian_boroanca @adriana_virlan Agreed. New generation of artist will be those who will be coding the AI to generate art. From another perspective, the AI developer is the person applying human creative skill and imagination.
    Carla Kargaard
    Interesting topic. I guess, as with anything in life, there's a time and a place for it. I, for one, really enjoy the human aspects of art (as so nicely described above). I find it incredibly rewarding and relaxing to use my creative skills and imagination, and I would be sad to lose out on that. But not everyone will feel that way, and this is a nice solution to bridge the gap if you need a unique work of art (minus the dopamine rush). Can it be seen as REAL art without the human element? I guess time will tell.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @carla_kargaard @savian_boroanca I don't feel like AI is without the human element, mostly because it's a tool which needs to be handled by a human touch. Also there is a lot of art in this world that it's not humanly made, God knows. I find this field so interesting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 💜
    Livia Burbulea
    Difficult topic, @adrian14. I have mixed feelings. Even though I believe AI is here to make our lives easier in so many ways, I can't help but feel like art should still have a human, imperfect component. That's what makes art special, UNIQUE to me. An AI can generate millions of images for example in seconds. Where's the unicity in that? 🤔
    Adrian Steriopol
    @livia_burbulea I take it as a tool. I guess it depends on how it makes you feel. If it makes you feel something, by itself it impplies the human part. Also I dont find AI as something perfect, it's done by humans 🤣 It's so interesting 🙏
    Amaury Amapakabo
    @livia_burbulea @adrian14 That's the best answer possible I think! At its core I truly find programming beautiful and a form of art also.
    Livia Burbulea
    @adrian14 @amaury_amapakabo I guess when you look at it this way, it makes sense. Thanks for sharing your vision, guys, it made me question mine (which is always a good thing) :D
    Amaury Amapakabo
    I know that this is controversial but, yes, definitely! When I saw what Dall E was able to do, I simply couldn't believe it. I think AI will change the world for the better and actually, you still have to be quite skilled at telling the AI what you want to get something good... So perhaps the next Leonardo Da Vinci will be using AI to enhance his works? Who knows ahah!
    Livia Burbulea
    @amaury_amapakabo haha, nice perspective! Either way, the future will for sure be interesting! :D
    Adrian Steriopol
    @amaury_amapakabo Great vision, my friend. I also think that AI will change the world too, in good, if it's used by the right hands. Can't wait for the next Leonardo! haha
    Octavian Codrea
    This is a loaded question, I feel. Recently, I've seen more and more artists upset to find that their works have been used without their knowledge in AI databases, from which the AI learn how to create images. That means that if an artist has spent years developing their craft and personal style, an AI trained on pictures of that artist's work can replicate that style in minutes. So if a computer produces an image that highly resembles one made by an artist, is that art as well? How about authorship? Is the author the person who came up with the text prompt given to the AI in order to generate the image? Should it be the thousands of people who've made the images that make up the AI's database? Art has always been in a way iterative; new artists always get inspired by art they've seen while they developed their craft. And yet, can it ever be... too much? I don't think the answer is that simple, and probably there isn't even a single answer out there to this question.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @xgrv So let's say you are an organic computer with a divine component, why you can get inspired and call yourself an artist? You should give credits to all the artists that inspired you? Let's be serious. The most important element in art are the feelings, in my opinion. The tool doesnt matter, the main target is to make people feel! Interesting answer, thank you for sharing your thoughts
    Catherine Norris
    Art is art, and it's incredible what AI can do. But I don't think it can ever replace art created by human hands
    Adrian Steriopol
    @catherine_norris I don't think AI it's about replacing, it's more about adding, it's just a more advanced tool. I agree, handmade it's always better, it contains life within. Thank you 🙏
    @catherine_norris I think it will be able to create much greater art than any human could ever make.
    Richard Gao
    Yes. Based on the definition you gave. AI can absolutely be used to create art. The art AI that exist now all require some form of human prompting. Only the bar has been raised, so it might be easier to create what would take a non-AI artist years of training now, but the true professionals will be able to shine above the rest. As with everything, it's not going to "kill" art as much as the photograph or photoshop "killed" art.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @richard_gao2 Totally agree with you, my friend. Great way of thinking, those who'll have eyes to see, will use it in great ways. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏
    Cristian Toba
    I looked at some AI generated images, and I have just one word: DAAAYYUUUUM! Neural nets are made to imitate a human brain so if something similar to a human is creating a picture, a song, everything that is creative, then it's definitely art.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @ictoba 💪 Interesting! Thank you 🙏
    Adrian Steriopol
    @sewell_stephens It's good to question important matters like this one. Thank you 🙏
    Olly - Your AI Social Media Co-Pilot
    Olly - Your AI Social Media Co-Pilot
    AI can be used to generate media, not art. Like you said - art is an expression and when usually when these pieces are bought - they compensate for the time spent by a human to create the piece. So while, AI can help generate media that can be used for enhancing / improving something. I don't necessarily believe, it'll help generate art per se.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @yashthakker Interesting! I see the AI more as a tool. I guess time will tell, my friend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏
    Jacopo Lai
    I believe art is a very subjective term. It all depends on how one defines it or not defines it. To some AI created "art" is not valuable and for some it is a different form of artistic expression. I'm not an artist but I'd like to know your POV on this.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @jacopo_lai In my vision Art it's more about experience/feelings than it's about the way of executing it. Everyone it's a constant artist by itself, even if it likes it or not haha. Life's about creating 🙏 let's take advantage of it
    Tobias Glienke
    AI assistants can create art, music, and even films for an artist. We should consider the implications of this since it's something new in the industry.
    Ai is being used almost everywhere and i am here for it! In my opinion AI can make some unbelievably beautiful art. And yes there are certain boundations and limitations. But in the boundaries as well it can do wonders. And Of course it can never replace human art, we are limitless entities Afterall.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @sonalidoval Great way of thinking, I feel u! Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏
    Martin Moravek
    I would say yes. But... take into account creativity. Picasso created his own style, Jackson Pollock created his own style. AI just replicates something that is already known. The real artist is almost like an inventor. Maybe AI is a new "creation" itself, but can't create something that had not existed before.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @minimalistphone Totally agree, I see it more as a tool. The real artist it's in everyone, it's more about feelings, in my opinion. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏
    Muskan Keshervani
    Why not! When AI can create contents, graphics and so many things I think art can also be created through AI but still that is a long way.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @muskan_keshervani I take it more as a tool, I guess time will tell. Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙏
    Dan Borel
    An ambiguous topic, but the main question is what is art for everyone. For me, in every object of art it is interesting to catch the author's idea and his feelings, emotions expressed in art. Artificial intelligence is still based more on logical structures, so here you can only catch a mixture of its studied variations, in which it is impossible to recognize emotions and the original idea.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @danone I agree. That's why I consider it a tool. Thanks for sharing! 🙏
    Anne Broadwin
    AI is definitely helpful in any execution work, however, most of which is well defined otherwise AI art could be a disaster. My opinion is that, AI compels human to think more strategically, and AI cannot steal any job that requires goal setting and decision making.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @annebroadwin True that, my friend! Thank you 🙏
    Saurabh Wadhawan
    Ummm , yes. I am in process of optimizing an Art for my living room using Dall-E, and its coming out really well. Unfortunate but its coming up faster than we could have anticipated.
    Adrian Steriopol
    @saurabhwadhawan Cool, have fun! Thank you for sharing 🙏