Do you consider AI art legitimate art?
Sean P.
13 replies
AI Spirals is trending now, you can create these truly one-of-a-kind art in seconds, however is it legitimate art?
As an artist, definitely no. Computers just follow (its programmer's) instructions. AI art may imitate human purpose, but I doubt it will ever be able to create with purpose.
Maybe it depends on quality. Sometimes it is impossible to call art what recognized living “masters” do.
The question of whether art created by artificial intelligence is considered legitimate art is an ongoing debate in the art world. Some argue that art created by artificial intelligence is a form of artistic expression, while others argue that art is human expression and AI is not. Ultimately, the question of whether AI art is legitimate depends on legislation and, of course, the majority opinion and their criteria in assessing the impact of AI
@antonikozelski yeah, when AI is used as tool and the amount of human work significantly involved then it’s consider as art. However how much is “significant” enough?
AI HomeDesign
Why not. Who said only us humans have the right to perform art? I believe there is nothing wrong with the ideal of AI art. Consider it another favor that it does for us for free.
@salar__davari totally agree, AI considered as tool just like Cameras+Photo and the debates still on going
Well, the definition of "art" is so broad it's practically impossible to give a reasonable answer. Could I call it "art" if I really enjoyed it? Guess so. On a side note, some people, for example, don't consider video games to be art. So yeah, there's a field for discussion here.
Art is perspective, and it's all about emotion. What is art to somebody else doesn't have to feel like art for you.
@artvizual totally agree, even the debates are ongoing, there are already portions of the population accepting this new medium