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  • Do you complete your profile at login or explore the app first?

    Pritam Nanda
    24 replies
    Social apps often need users to create a profile such as add an avatar, username, and other personalization options. What do you prefer when logging into a new social app? Do you first complete the profile setup or do you explore the app a bit before coming back to complete your profile?


    Pritam Nanda
    Hi @enola_vedovotto. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. A complete profile definitely lets you put your best foot forward in a social app. We are launching Findz in a few weeks. It's a collaborative bookmarking tool that lets you create private groups with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, events and more. You can have a look and try the app if it looks interesting here: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks πŸ™‚
    Graeme O’Connor
    I would prefer to fill in the minimum possible until I'm sure i'll get value out of the product
    Pritam Nanda
    @iamgoconnor Thanks for responding! It's indeed a very logical thing to do. We are launching Findz in a few weeks. Findz is a social bookmarking app that lets you create groups with friends, family or colleagues to plan events, vacations and trips. If you want to give it a try, feel free to download the app from the link: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks
    Luka Vasic
    I would like for more apps to allow us to firstly explore them and after that, if we like them let us sign up. The other way around doesn't feel that good. You give information for a product you might not use.
    Pritam Nanda
    Hi @luka_vasic Thanks for sharing your views here. Social apps typically require you to add additional profile information like name, avatar, phone number, etc in addition to the login process. Since, you will potentially interact with other people, an anonymous person could be creepy and pose security and social threats. I will be happy to hear your thoughts on this. We are launching Findz which is a collaborative bookmarking tool that lets you create private groups with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, events and more. You can have a look and try the app if it looks interesting here: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks πŸ™‚
    Zifa Sadriyeva
    I quickly fill in to start using the app quickly. Hence, I log in with Google ;) It's social login increasingly, there isn't time for anything. Upvote and take part in our PayBull poll here: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    Pritam Nanda
    Hi @paybull9 Thank you for responding to the survey and sharing your views. I would definitely love to have a look at PayBull. We are launching Findz which is a collaborative bookmarking tool that lets you create private groups with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, events and more. You can have a look and try the app if it looks interesting here: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks πŸ™‚
    Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
    Depends how complicated the profile is. If it's just an email and password, I don't mind doing it right away because then if i get distracted while exploring i know I'll get some onboarding emails later to remind me about it. But if it's a lengthy sign up form before i can try anything out, i don't love that.
    Pritam Nanda
    @britt_joiner Thanks for sharing your views. Social apps typically require you to add additional profile information like name, avatar, phone number, etc. So, we wanted to get your view around those lines. We are launching a collaborative bookmarking tool that lets you create private groups with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, events and more. You can have a look and try the app if it looks interesting here: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks πŸ™‚
    Brittany Joiner {Britt the Builder}
    @pritam_nanda92 ah yes i have this downloaded on my phone and keep meaning to actually take a look at it!
    Dawn Veltri
    I would love to be able to explore the app before creating an account, but most apps require a profile before you can look at anything.
    Pritam Nanda
    Hi @dawn_veltri1 Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Social apps typically require you to add additional profile information like name, avatar, phone number, etc in addition to the login process. Since, you will potentially interact with people, an anonymous person could pose security and social threats. I will be happy to hear your thoughts on this. We are launching a collaborative bookmarking tool that lets you create private groups with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, events and more. You can have a look and try the app if it looks interesting here: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks πŸ™‚
    Jenny Sahng
    Hmm, for some reason I have an urge to fill in all the boxes, so I tend to complete my profile. But, because of this self-imposed high barrier to setup, I sometimes end up just not signing up to things because I don't want to feel the urge to complete my profile πŸ˜…
    Pritam Nanda
    Hi @jenny_sahng I totally agree with you. Apps should give users the option to try it out to some extent before you need to fill in additional profile details (apart from email, etc) like name and photo. Btw, We are launching a collaborative bookmarking tool that lets you create private groups with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, events and more. You can have a look and try the app if it looks interesting here: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks πŸ™‚
    Pritam Nanda
    Hi @maxwellcdavis Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree that most users won't spend a lot of time completing your profile. We are launching a collaborative bookmarking tool that lets you create private groups with friends, family and colleagues to plan vacations, events and more. You can have a look and try the app if it looks interesting: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks
    Mike O'Connor
    It depends on the day really.
    Shrikant Sharma
    I would like to explore it first with minimum data.
    Chandan Mishra
    Obviously, explore the app. If it is user-friendly, only then fill out the profile. First impression matters
    Himavan Kancharla
    Exploring the app before login in is something good that the user feels good about. If it is trusted and I have experienced the flow then it will be easy to login!